I am experiencing this same issue; Joey's randomly disconnect from Hoppers and go into a search mode. Sometime a message comes up saying that it is searching for a connection to the Hopper's name; other times it displays the Hopper R__ & S__ numbers. This seems to have started with this latest software push. Funny thing is that the Joey can be working fine for hours and then typically between 10pm and midnight (not every night) it loses connection in middle of DVR playback.
I have powered off (via plug pull) both Hoppers and all Joeys. I only have one Hopper connected to the Internet and have tightened the connections to the most troublesome Joeys. MOCA strength is strong. System includes 2 Hoppers, 6 Joeys connected through a Duo Node. Joeys are fed off of 3-way splitters connected to the two client ports on the Duo Node.
Has anyone had luck fixing this problem or am I stuck waiting for a software fix?
Rinker97 said:I'm having the same issue. I made sure only 1 device was connected to the internet but that hasn't helped. My daughter just texted me this morning saying she can turn on the Joey and a channel comes on but she can't change channels, access the guide, or access the DVR. The Joey is mounted behind the TV so t's not like I can have her unplug it. Is there a way to cycle the power from the remote? If not, I may have to put in an outlet I can turn off and on remotely so I can easily cycle power to the Joey. For now she is using a different TV.
For what ever reason, my H/Js have been behaving. For a week, they were constantly beeing rebooted. Now they are once again rock solid. Even when they were acting up I never once thought about getting rid of them. I love this system!!!
If you're still having problems with joeys disconnecting after getting it down to 1 device connected to the network, either try disconnecting all the networking or disable the bridging functionality. Then wait it out till a bug fix is issued at some point.
so you have zero H/J devices connected to your home network/internet now? (and i'd leave it that way for a few days)My bridging was already off so that didn't help.![]()
Rebooting the Hopper fixed this.syphix said:Not sure if this is solely because of S213 since I just got my Hopper and Joeys (1H/2J)...but I can't seem to access my "Rentals" on the Joeys. I downloaded some episodes of Entourage off HBO, and I can play them directly on the Hopper. But the Joeys won't even populate the "Rentals" folder. The progress bar just keeps spinning. I have ethernet only on the Hopper, and bridging is on (I have had no issues with linking, so no reason to turn it off...yet). Any suggestions??
Nope, lost ability to view the "Rentals" on Joeys again.Rebooting the Hopper fixed this.
are you following all the new networking changes in this thread? and all the troubleshooting advice in this thread regarding the specific problems you're having?All I can say, is that the new 213 update has totally ruined my hopper experience. I now suffer random freezes and lockups. 1303 errors constantly searching for hopper to link to. I have to unplug everything. Turn on 1 hopper, wait for it to boot completely, then turn on one joey and let it start up and link, then the second joey, then the second hopper, then the third joey, and finally the last joey. It takes for ever.
are you following all the new networking changes in this thread? and all the troubleshooting advice in this thread regarding the specific problems you're having?
most of these problems have been taken care of using the tips covered in this topic.
Yes, I started at the beginning of the thread and have gone through every post until I got to the end. Removed ethernet completely, unhooked slings from both hoppers. Have even gone so far as to isolate hopper 1 from hopper2 using isolators and still having issues.
I have now done the complete reboot sequence. Have one ethernet hooked to the first hopper and removed isolators letting network see both hopers and all 4 joeys. Will see what happens tomorrow and if no good, then Will be switching to direct next week.
Yes, I started at the beginning of the thread and have gone through every post until I got to the end. Removed ethernet completely, unhooked slings from both hoppers. Have even gone so far as to isolate hopper 1 from hopper2 using isolators and still having issues. I have now done the complete reboot sequence. Have one ethernet hooked to the first hopper and removed isolators letting network see both hopers and all 4 joeys. Will see what happens tomorrow and if no good, then Will be switching to direct next week.
what about the trick that involved disabling bridging in the software?
did you resolve all your wiring issues in the previous topic? http://www.satelliteguys.us/hopper-zone/286373-2-hopper-4-joey-setup-need-2.html
I would also message DIRT and see if they have any other tips. Maybe even have a good tech come out and check through the whole system. For all we know it's a bad node or some other hardwire/wiring issue.
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