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Hopper S229 / S230 Feedback! | SatelliteGuys.US

Hopper S229 / S230 Feedback!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Well after a long wait the new software started rolling out last night! And with all the new features (including OTA Support) you are going to say the wait was worth it! :)

Make sure you check our Hopper forum for details of all the new features and improvements. There is also one more big improvement that I didn't write about... and I am hoping one our SatelliteGuys members will find it and report it. :D

If you know other people or sites that would be interested in our info, please send them links to our coverage so they can learn as well. (Or as I say learn from the best!) :D

So lets hear your S229 feedback!
I have been checking my Hoppers every morning looking to see if there was an update, but of course I did not check today. :)
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I have been checking my Hoppers every morning looking to see of there was an update, but of course I did not check today. :)

Both of mine are sitting on s222, still. This makes the little kid at Christmas in me squirm, as I've been waiting for this since getting the Hoppers last Spring.
You'll be greeted with a full screen on turn on explaining the new features. "Hot Stuff" (in menu & guide), "Bluetooth" activated, new buttons colors and features in the DVR and Guide. There are new Apps and the delete button on caller ID is working again...what did I miss? OTA...? I'll look...but since I can't use it... :coffee
Here's a trick I learned to do in case a program in the PTAT folder disappears or I accidentally delete it . Do a search for the program you are looking for and if it hasn't been more than 8 days since the show was recorded, it will pop up as a show to watch. Then you can select to save the show to your portion of the hard drive and it will be there. I did this the other day for Fringe that I accidentally deleted using the blue button. It works. I suggested to DISH that the PTAT folder have it's own Deleted files folder, that you can restore if you do want to watch again, but I don't know if they will do it. But if they did or included the PTAT shows in the regular deleted files folder, we would still be able to restore PTAT shows, like regular shows.
Here's a trick I learned to do in case a program in the PTAT folder disappears or I accidentally delete it . Do a search for the program you are looking for and if it hasn't been more than 8 days since the show was recorded, it will pop up as a show to watch. Then you can select to save the show to your portion of the hard drive and it will be there. I did this the other day for Fringe that I accidentally deleted using the blue button. It works. I suggested to DISH that the PTAT folder have it's own Deleted files folder, that you can restore if you do want to watch again, but I don't know if they will do it. But if they did or included the PTAT shows in the regular deleted files folder, we would still be able to restore PTAT shows, like regular shows.

The bug that we have is where PTAT deletes shows that are older than 8 days even though there is a timer for it. I have PTAT turned on and have a timer for the Blue Bloods TV show. After 8 days, the oldest Blue Bloods episode gets deleted. I have a timer for Fringe, yet that show never gets deleted. There is no pattern like channel or time. I even protect the shows and yet they get deleted after 8 days.
The bug that we have is where PTAT deletes shows that are older than 8 days even though there is a timer for it. I have PTAT turned on and have a timer for the Blue Bloods TV show. After 8 days, the oldest Blue Bloods episode gets deleted. I have a timer for Fringe, yet that show never gets deleted. There is no pattern like channel or time. I even protect the shows and yet they get deleted after 8 days.

I have not had that issue as a member of the early testing team as well. I have series timers setup for NCIS and The Mentalist and they are all there in my main user partition well past the 8 day PTAT deletion timeframe. I believe this should not be a problem for you once you get to S229.
I have not had that issue as a member of the early testing team as well. I have series timers setup for NCIS and The Mentalist and they are all there in my main user partition well past the 8 day PTAT deletion timeframe. I believe this should not be a problem for you once you get to S229.

I don't watch NCIS or The Mentalist. Do you watch Blood Bloods, Castle, Revenge, or 666 Park Avenue?
In the last month or so I have lost multiple episodes of The Mentalist, Hawaii Five-0, and Castle. There may be others but those are the ones that I can remember. I think at one time I had maybe four episodes of Castle recorded and then looked and they were all gone?????

Fortunately none of the wife's shows have gone missing, at least not to the point of where she has noticed. I think she is more preoccupied with wanting to have a List View back. Please someone tell me this is added with S229....

Looking forward to using Bluetooth headphones.
calbbs said:
In the last month or so I have lost multiple episodes of The Mentalist, Hawaii Five-0, and Castle. There may be others but those are the ones that I can remember. I think at one time I had maybe four episodes of Castle recorded and then looked and they were all gone?????

I've had the same issue ever since I got the hopper. I would love to hear some confirmation from Dish whether or not the new software addresses this issue.

Scott, any way you can confirm this through Dish?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using SatelliteGuys
Again let me post what I posted earlier...

There were no reports of these issues reported during the testing.

A lot of issues were fixed. :)
As I still do not have the update, I will ask this of those who do. Is there any indication of the PTAT signal loss issue being resolved? I realize that this is day one and PTAT has not happened yet, but I also realize that some have had this software for a bit now.

I sure do wish there was a way to get on an early release list or at least be in the first broad scale release. For now I will sit and wait for my update lol
I received S229 overnight last night. I've tested the blue tooth and it works great! I really like the "What's Hot" option. I've also ordered a USB OTA adapter and will see how well that works.

One problem. I had installed two WD 2TB EHD's to my primary hopper under S222. After the upgrade, I now get a 787 "This feature must be activated" when trying to access the drives. I've opened a ticket with Customer Support to look into it.

I like the more colorful look and other than the EHD issue, I've had no problems.

Oboe Joe

Hopper/Joey upgrade question

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