My apologies on that... My keyboard was in fact dying. Everything was in caps. All my emails, etc... I have replaced it. Definitely wasn't trying to 'shout'.
No, I only had to type one on it. I've never had a keyboard get stuck in caps mode. I think my little one may have played a part in its demise.
In my email, I prefaced it with Sorry about the caps. I should have done the same on that post. Although, I do think the question is valid. Shouldn't we have a Sticky on the new software and let this one go?
Has anyone "reported" this thread ? You can do that for non-bad reasons as well. It's very possible none of the mods are reading this thread to see the comments suggesting it be un-stickied.
Right now I'm watching the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl on ESPN, Ch140. I clicked on Dish Game Finder which shows the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl is ONLY on ESPNHD, ch854 which I would have to upgrade (pay) to watch. This also happened yesterday with the Sugar Bowl.
DIRT, Dish needs to fix this.
They did that recently with a 49er game....I live in their area, yet the menu claimed "unavailable" which was bunk. The game was televised in my area. Also no more "reminder" option, that feature was handy.