How a threat to drop AMC could kill the cable bundle December 29, 2015
A standoff between a consortium of small cable companies and AMC Networks could speed up the death of the cable bundle, sources tell The Post.The consortium, which represents about four million homes, is refusing to pay a demand for what they claim is a tripling of AMC Networks’ fees — and are telling subscribers they can get AMC’s popular “The Walking Dead” through streaming services.The consortium, called the National Cable TV Co-operative, is tired of skyrocketing fees.Overall, small cable operator margins on pay TV service are about 10 percent.Meanwhile, the margin on broadband service is as high as 90 percent, insiders said.That means some small cable operators, faced with carriage standoffs, aren’t afraid of killing the TV bundle to speed up cord-cutting because broadband TV is more profitable, cable sources tell The Post.The shift could influence the bigger cable companies, like Comcast, where this year the number of broadband subscribers passed pay-TV customers.If in wrong section please move and I apologize!!