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How I got VOOM NBC HD and SD for the Olympics | SatelliteGuys.US

How I got VOOM NBC HD and SD for the Olympics


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 8, 2004
I got the NBC feed for the Olympics on Voom. All it took was two phone calls AND (I believe) the right attitude.

OK, my local NBC stations is not an O&O.
According to this website: I do not qualify for any NBC Olympics from Voom.
My problem is that my local NBC station divides it's channel (19Mbit) in to three stations. The first is the HD feed from NBC. The second subchannel is a UPN station that the affiliate owns. The third is a weather map. So, if I only had Voom, I would not be able to receive the analog NBC broadcast unless I rewired my antenna to connect to an old TV.
Enough about that. This is what I did and the key, in my opinion, is to be polite and friendly on the phone with the CSRs. I first called and told the CSR that I wanted to watch the Olympics but that the screen said to call Voom to have it turned on. She looked up my address and told me that I was not eligible. I explained that then I would be missing the live broadcasts. She put me on hold and then came back and said that she had turned it on for the 593 and 594 channels. Well, would you believe it, my box locked up :mad: . I did a reset but did not get the 593 and 594. The CSR told me that they should show up when the guide is completely downloaded (about 30 minutes). I waited for two hours, and as expected, the channels did NOT show up. :rolleyes: So, I called back and the new CSR (after checking the address again), told me that I am not eligible. After I told here that I had called earlier and that the previous CSR told me she would turn on 593 and 594, the new CSR said sorry, nothing she could do. I said OK, thanks for your assistance. I was planning to call back in another hour, however, I tuned to 321 and VOILA, there was the picture in full HD. :D I also had a picture on 593.

Since I also have DirecTV HD, I also found that I have the HD feed on channel 84 and they also transmit the locals on D* so I can use the HD Tivo for that, but that is a different story. :D :D :D .

Key is (IMHO) to be polite. (What a concept...)
Not bad, not bad at all. :) Everyone who is not getting it and belongs to one of those markets that Dish publish should give it a try.
Sean Mota said:
Not bad, not bad at all. :) Everyone who is not getting it and belongs to one of those markets that Dish publish should give it a try.
I agree, it will do far more good than continually complaining about it on this forum. My affiliate also has 2 subchannels.
vurbano said:
I agree, it will do far more good than continually complaining about it on this forum. My affiliate also has 2 subchannels.

You must be getting horribler PQ for the HD OTA!
It didn't work for me. I live in Detroit. I said please 8 times and thank you seven times. I did say "oh really, that's too bad" a couple of times -- but in a very polite tone of voice.

I don't get channel 321 but that's okay because I get the HD feed on my local NBC OTA -- but I don't get any NBC SD coverage or regular NBC programming at all. I was hoping they would let me see NBC on 593 or 594 but no go.

Thank you for the tip though, I genuinely appreciate it and wish you all the best in life.
In Portland OR I Don't Get 321 or The SD's.. On D* Ch. 84 (Same As VOOMs 321) Comes In GREAAAATTTT. I Don't Know Why D* Gives Me The Olympics & Not V*.

FYI, I Got To Compare D*s Ch 84 To My Local NBC HD Feed & They Were Identical.
Funny how the Olympics are for the world but we don't qualify for to see it. It don't get anymore assbackwards than that.

How ever did this is right in line with the RIAA thinking. I wonder how long I'll qualify to pay for HBO?
wbuffetta said:
In Portland OR I Don't Get 321 or The SD's.. On D* Ch. 84 (Same As VOOMs 321) Comes In GREAAAATTTT. I Don't Know Why D* Gives Me The Olympics & Not V*.

Because D* and E* received permission from KGW and V* didn't (or from the sound of things, didn't bother to ask).

What really makes me laugh about this whole thing is that last time the Olympics were on TV and I had only an antenna, I was bitching because the olympics were always on instead of my favorite sitcoms or whatever. Now I am mad because I CAN'T watch the Olympics. Its always greener on the other side.

Thinking about complaining to NBC one more time.

I'm sorry, but could someone please point me to an explanation of what is going on with Voom and the Olympics? I been through most of the threads (and the complaining), but I can't seem to find an explanation of what I should be expecting from Voom and NBC, so I can take steps to remedy my current situation. Prior to the Olympics, NBC feed was 1 channel (channel 12-1), via OTA. Ever since the Olympics started, 12-1 has been the Olympics HD loop. I can not find my NBC SD programming, and channels 321, 593, and 594 are all blacked out.

Basically, I'd like to be able to watch my NBC SD feed and I'm wondering whether or not this will be possible and how to make it so. My wife is getting really annoyed by seeing the "Hi Todd, Watcha Doin'?" commercial 60 times a day.
SoupMama and everyone that does not fall within the O&O Tv Stations please see this for a possible explanation why you are not getting the olympic channels:

Update: List of O&O Tv Stations for NBC

WNBC: NBC4 New York
KNBC: NBC4 Los Angeles
WMAQ: NBC5 Chicago
WCAU: NBC10 Philadelphia
KNTV: NBC11 San Jose/San Francisco
KXAS: NBC5 Dallas/Fort Worth
WRC: NBC4 Washington
WTVJ: NBC6 Miami
KNSD: NBC7/39 San Diego
WVIT: NBC30 Hartford
WNCN: NBC17 Raleigh
WCMH: NBC4 Columbus
WVTM: NBC13 Birmingham
WJAR: NBC10 Providence
VOOM Is Shooting Themselves In The Foot On This One. For The Last Couple Of Months I Have Watched VOOM & VOOM Only. But Since Friday Night I Have Been Watching D* Because I Can Get NBC HD on Channel 84.
Now I Have Signed Back Up With HBO & Showtime On D* So I Can Go Between NBC HD For The Olympics & HBO HD & Showtime HD.
I just got off the phone with a CSR, and my main question was about a re-install that needs to be done on my dish, but after the friendly CSR answered my question i then asked if my area is supposed to be receiving any of the olympic channels 321, 593, 594.. She put me on hold and came back on and said i should get 321 and she sent signals out to my 2 boxes.. I am at work right now so now i am extremely anxioius to get home and see if i really have the olympics.. If so i will be a very happy camper... Under 4 hours until the moment of truth......
Sean Mota said:
SoupMama and everyone that does not fall within the O&O Tv Stations please see this for a possible explanation why you are not getting the olympic channels:

Update: List of O&O Tv Stations for NBC

WNBC: NBC4 New York
KNBC: NBC4 Los Angeles
WMAQ: NBC5 Chicago
WCAU: NBC10 Philadelphia
KNTV: NBC11 San Jose/San Francisco
KXAS: NBC5 Dallas/Fort Worth
WRC: NBC4 Washington
WTVJ: NBC6 Miami
KNSD: NBC7/39 San Diego
WVIT: NBC30 Hartford
WNCN: NBC17 Raleigh
WCMH: NBC4 Columbus
WVTM: NBC13 Birmingham
WJAR: NBC10 Providence

I'm confused. I am WVIT region and Voom gave me only 321 which is the same than OTA WVIT which by the way has better PQ and Dolby 5.1 sound.
So what's with the 593 and 594? I called and they told me that I wasn't qualified.
"So what's with the 593 and 594? I called and they told me that I wasn't qualified."

This is really a mess so I'm not sure if this is right but I understand if you have the program regardless of PQ and DD5.1 but have the program of live Olympics via a cable channel in your region then cable (whether you personally have cable or not) won't let VOOM send you their live feed, only the HD feed (321).
How I fixed my Olympic Problem

Maybe becasue I'm new or maybe becasue I'm lucky enough to live in the Miami area but none of the bad things many people say about Voom around this forum are an issue for me.

This is how I fixed my Olympics problem.

It didn't take long for me to realilze that my local OTA feed was identical to my Channel 321. The only difference is that 321 was in 5.1. I was impressed that my local NBC affiliate is only sending out the HD feed not SD, nice. But then I realized what I was watching was on a 24 hour delay. So I called Voom, spoke to a CSR explained the problem. She put me on hold for 30 seconds. Came back and explained that I am eligible to recieve channel 593 or 594, a signal from a NBC station in NJ. I came home from work a there it was. So now I have NBC HD, Bravo, USA, and NBC SD all showing Olympics. Sounds like Voom is on the ball. It's not their fault that Miami's NBC affiliate is only sending out the HD feed OTA.

Like I said maybe becasue I'm new or just lucky but every problem I've had with Voom they've fixed or I've figured out. From rain fade to the mis-aligned screen through my DVI. :o
My story does not have such a happy ending. I called voom to get the Olympic channels since we live 50 miles away from the local NBC affiliate ( and couldn't receive it with the weenie antenna from the install), and was told that we could not receive Olympics via satellite due to the local station not approving it. Fine, I said, I would like to request the upgraded antenna (my 3rd request for it), so that we can see that local station. 2 days later the install company calls and says,"voom says you can't receive that local station even with an antenna, request denied." So, no Olympics via satellite, no Olympics via OTA, 30 channels of HD Junk, so unfortunately, no more VOOM. I gave them every chance for 3 months, but they fumbled every time.

Good luck to all

How to get Olympics (or any other distant feed)

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