I'm not really about costs, but am about quality. And from what I've seen in the real world, data cards outperform tethering. Tethering is a half assed solution IMO. Wired tethering can be a pain if you use the laptop on your lap and the phone is just sitting there if you have no real place it set it. The small compact size of the USB air card is nice. Wireless tethering, YUCK! I can't stand anything wifi, and will only use it if it's beyond my last resort. I would never use wireless tethering in a million years. I could use the legitimate excuse about the issue of being able to use the phone for voice when tethered but that doesn't apply to me since I don't use my Evo for voice. And plus I feel actually paying for the data card is the right thing to do. I don't care what it costs, Sprint and Time Warner Cable are two companies I have no problem paying money to, hence why combined they get about $550/month from me. Its a true honor to do business with them. Two awesome companies that are about a million times better than any competitor means I don't care what it costs, infact, I believe my bills should be higher for the awesome services I receive from them.