I noticed today that you can now change your billing method on Voom's website. They have updated their site quite a bit, you have to really look but some changes have been made.
wbuffetta said:Where Do You Take Yourself Off Auto Pay?
I Logged In & Went To Account Summary, Then Payment Method, Then Update Payment
Method. There Were Only Two Options (Auto-Pay & One Time Payment).
I Did Not See Anything To Take Me Off Auto-Pay & Just Send Me A Bill Each Month & Not Just A Statement.
vinnyv07 said:I just picked the one time payment method and it said my request will be changed within 24hrs. Now they will send me a paper bill each mth?
You do you mean " your ": just a thought:Oh I'm sorry another Grammer Error on my part??vurbano said:In a couple of days when you bring up account details it will say "cash" under payment method. I assume that means we can send a check when we get the paper bill (it will be a bill now instead of a statement) or log in and pay by credit card.
Limited time offer