All upcoming episodes show (0) in the prioritizer, ANyone else have this problem? Totally missed BSG tonight,
I didnt get word on thursdays' download and missed it. Was there a way not to get the national update? That was automatic wasnt it?Are you running last nights CE, the update nationally a few days ago, or the older version that was having problems with todo lists on Wednesday overnight?
Thanks, you have saved the dayVurbano - the CE from last night is in the stream again tonight, just found out.
Download it, hopefully it fixes your problem.
On HR20 software download error... will try again
I noticed on the HR21 it got to 96% and then a darker blue bar has started over the lighter blue bar.
Actually the HR20 downloads nothing right now, because like you said nothing is in the stream. If I force a download in the morning on the HR20 will I not get the national release that fixes the todo list problem???don't bother with the download - you'll only redownload the national.
While I am at it, The HR20 has developed an annoying buzz over the last year, fan I think, Thats solved by tapping the top of the case. Any suggestions on replacing the fan? Really would like to avoid a D* visit.Hopefully.
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