The FA has no way of knowing when you are going to need to use the buffered portion of the program so it cannot spin down, it has to be recording at all times.
Also, You cannot turn off your DVR without unplugging it, you simply place it in standby mode when you hit you on/off button, otherwise it would not be able to record when your away.
Feel Free to add your Review of External HDD's that work or do not Here !
Jimbo, any HD, set for spin-down due to activity, will spin down due to inactivity! To say the the FAP does not know when a buffered portion of a program are needed, has the cart before the horse. An HD, set to spin-down, will spin down. I was not questioning that. What I was questioning is what will happen when the DVR/Receiver calls a spun-down HD for data? Will the HD spin up fast enought, or will the DVR crash?
I am quite aware that the DVR does not completely shutdown when I hit the power button on the remote. The question is, does it continue to query the HD periodically and with what periodicity? Will a HD (or FAP in my instance) have time to spin-down? And what happens when it is called for data?
Here is the External HDD I bought, still on sale...
"PLEASE HELP" with HR21 Well I have read thru this whole thread and to start I am no computer Wiz so I need your help, but I have a sister in law that has a computer store and she will help me with the install or build of this.. I am tired of dvd's and so forth taking up space in the house so I want all future HD movies I buy thru say pay per view from Direct tv to be stored so I can watch them say for as long as I want because once my HD DVR HR21 gets old I lose all my movies that are on it that I paid for so I am looking into a external hard drive as you all talked about in this thread..
Unless some one knows how to take recorded shows off the HR21 hard drive which I haven't heard of.. Has anyone tried to hook up a external hard drive on the HR 21 yet? By what I have read it sounds like the 750 GB seagate seems to be the the peoples choice.. I also had no clue about how you hooked it up to the direct tv HD receiver, but after review of my manual that I see a SATA port on the back of my HR21, mine is between the HDMI the USB port and I figured this must be how you hooking up the external hard drive would that be a correct assumption?
Well it seems pretty straight forward just reboot the system every time you change between the internal and external hard drives.. It just seems to me that Cd's dvd's are becoming the thing of the past and I want to keep up with the change of the technology for my home theater system.. I also was wondering if I put any of my older dvd's on one of these external hard drives will they play thru my Direct tv receiver? Thanks for all your help and impute, I just want to have all my bases covered before I go out and spend money on this, thanks again.. Cya Slick
Im confused now. One guy at DBStalk reported that the new 1Tb mybook with power saving tech didnt work with the HR20 and when he called WD they said that it wasnt meant to support DVR's and he needed the DVR expander they sell.My Book is working fine... I paid $149 for this one and if for some reason it starts acting up with the HR20, I can use with my 622![]()
Im confused now. One guy at DBStalk reported that the new 1Tb mybook with power saving tech didnt work with the HR20 and when he called WD they said that it wasnt meant to support DVR's and he needed the DVR expander they sell.![]()
Im confused now. One guy at DBStalk reported that the new 1Tb mybook with power saving tech didnt work with the HR20 and when he called WD they said that it wasnt meant to support DVR's and he needed the DVR expander they sell.![]()
Im confused now. One guy at DBStalk reported that the new 1Tb mybook with power saving tech didnt work with the HR20 and when he called WD they said that it wasnt meant to support DVR's and he needed the DVR expander they sell.![]()
Basically its a My book they sell for DVR's. They have been on the WD website for a long time now but I havent seen the HR20 listed for compatability nor 1TB mobels. I find it strange that it would only work for cable DVRs. My guess is that WD is waiting until D* announces hard rive expansion as an official feature. I for one do not understand the delay. My DVR Expander 500 GB ( WDG1S5000 )As far as I can tell, he should be able to use it with the 622 but will lose the content on the HD ...
I hadn't heard about a DVR expander yet, whats that all about ?
Basically its a My book they sell for DVR's. They have been on the WD website for a long time now but I havent seen the HR20 listed for compatability nor 1TB mobels. I find it strange that it would only work for cable DVRs. My guess is that WD is waiting until D* announces hard rive expansion as an official feature. I for one do not understand the delay. My DVR Expander 500 GB ( WDG1S5000 )
Maybe. If my co-worker is any indication of corporate thinking (and I think he is), I don't think they will ever make eSATA additional storage as opposed to replacement storage.They may be waiting until it can be additional storage instead of replacement storage. As it is now, it only helps new installations and is not an upgrade path.
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