1080P still broke.
same here. still no support for /60. everything else is really good. speed keeps improving.
1080P still broke.
Don't worry about network services, nothing uses it yet.
If you report on 1080p - please include your TV brand/model, how it is hooked up, and if it does anything, i.e. sound but no picutre, picture but no sound, etc.
Also, try without any peripheral devices, like stereos, switches, etc.
1080p is HDMI only.
Also, report which movie you are trying.
same here. still no support for /60. everything else is really good. speed keeps improving.
Bob - have you tried without the denon receiver inline?
Remember all - there will be growing pains, paticence, 1080p may take a while.
Mike4HDTV Are you saying that you're able to play the movie in 1080p/24 through your receiver? If so what's the model you're using because members like me and DJRob have had no success with our Denon receivers hdmi handshaking correctly with our HR's.
Mike4HDTV Are you saying that you're able to play the movie in 1080p/24 through your receiver? If so what's the model you're using because members like me and DJRob have had no success with our Denon receivers hdmi handshaking correctly with our HR's.
Yep... I just want to know where they are in the process.. Some communication.. Thats all..
Help D* fix it, create an error report, log the key here and post what model/sub model of DVR you have and what model TV.I have the same problem on both movies no sound via HDMI. Movies look great and I can get sound from the optical port but nothing over HDMI.
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