if u reset ur receiver do u lose all ur recorded shows, schedules, etc?
Anyone have any luck getting on demand to work for their HR21-700? I downloaded CE last night and I get a bonk sound when I select it in the menu. No screen saying coming soon. Maybe I will re-download tonight during download window see if that works. Also I saw some people in other forums say that if you type in IWANTMYVOD in keyword search it usually activates the service. Is this true?
That was to enable VOD before it was made part of the national release code on the HR20's IIRC. Have to ask the dumb questions, have you connected the HR21 to your internet connection and does it pass the networking tests and you are running the 1F4 level of software? I have the HR21-200 and it's working fine on it, but I also have two HR20-700's which has had VoD since shortly after it was release for CE testing. Either way I don't think doing the CE download again will make a difference.
Is it just me or does the HR-21 eat up internet bandwidth? I downloaded the CE last weekend and my CoPhoenix) internet went to a crawl. I unplugged the HR-21 from my router and my internet went back to normal. The actual DOD has not turned on for me yet, but that is probably because I have to unplug it to use the internet. Just wondering if I was the only one?
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