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HR21-ALL CE Release 3/21 & 3/22 | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR21-ALL CE Release 3/21 & 3/22

Anyone else seeing the issue I reported on losing audio when changing from an SD to an SD channel?

I suspect it's related to my receiver Sherwood R-863 but may impact others as well. I can get audio back by going to a HD channel and back or turning the audio receiver off and back on.
Downloaded the new CE Friday night. Everything seemed to be working better until today. Now for some reason I am losing my channel guide information. It just says "information not available", just like when you do a hard reset. Little by little all channels are saying "no information available".

This did not get any better over night. Now I am losing programs on my To Do list. Does this sound like a program problem or should I contact Directv?

Got it fixed. Had to do another reset.
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Last night there was a long delay between entering commands on the remote and having the screen respond on my HR21-700. Anyone else having this problem? If it continues today I'm going back to the national release.
I actually had that problem with the National release! With the update it's much faster.

Oh yeah and VOD now works also.:)

Last night there was a long delay between entering commands on the remote and having the screen respond on my HR21-700. Anyone else having this problem? If it continues today I'm going back to the national release.
Last night there was a long delay between entering commands on the remote and having the screen respond on my HR21-700. Anyone else having this problem? If it continues today I'm going back to the national release.

I have had that same problem with both of my HR21-700's since the CE that I downloaded Friday night. The box seems VERY slow to commands sometimes. Also, I have lost signal on one of my units and had to reset it.
I have had that same problem with both of my HR21-700's since the CE that I downloaded Friday night. The box seems VERY slow to commands sometimes. Also, I have lost signal on one of my units and had to reset it.

Today it seems to be working fine. Odd that it would be slow only some of the time.
I had that slowness occur before the CE release much more often. It did happen once Saturday night (after the CE release). Whenever it happens, the box is VERY laggy to respond to any commands.
I downloaded the CE and can report that I have had NO issues with the release.

The audio dropout issue has been resolved.

Guide more responsive.

No dropped guide or channel info.

VOD always worked fine and still is.

The only "issue" was I had to restart TVeristy to get my Media share back up and running. (may not be related to the CE)
Is anybody having issues with the "recording" light? My Hr21 is recording two shows right now and the light is not on.

However, I went into the On Demand listing and added a show to the queue and the light came on.

Any ideas?
Hmmm. It turns out that although the guide was showing that two shows were being recorded. Neither one actually recorded. The two shows are missing from the list even thought both show a "first aired" date of tonight.

The only thing that recorded was the VOD show I selected while playing with it. This is disappointing. I had both of those shows set to record. The weird thing is that the guide showed them as "recording.." and showed the red record icon in the guide.
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