So once again did the d/l and i still dont have the MRV? ive done the keyword and such... NOTHING!!!!
my H21 has MRV.. NOT MY HR20/700
my H21 has MRV.. NOT MY HR20/700
So once again did the d/l and i still dont have the MRV? ive done the keyword and such... NOTHING!!!!
my H21 has MRV.. NOT MY HR20/700
In the system setup menu, do you have an option for 'location' right above 'reset'?
If you do, MRV is enabled. Check in the location option to see if you have playlist sharing turned on. If you do, then try rebooting the boxes and waiting 15 minutes.
So once again did the d/l and i still dont have the MRV? ive done the keyword and such... NOTHING!!!!
my H21 has MRV.. NOT MY HR20/700
MRV is working great so far. An added bonus to this (this is my first CE release) is that it enabled HD on my R22. I hope that stays enabled
It looks just as good as my HR23-700.
The only question is, how long will this release stay on my boxes? will it automatically download new national releases, or is that disabled while running a CE release?
I have reset my 2 dvrs hr22-100 and my r22 (with HD)-100. I have reinitialized the network settings, setup location....
On the hr22-100 when i want to play off the r22-100 it goes to play and then says "Cannot play DTCP content. AKE fail." and the r22-100 says something about an invalid access card on my hr22-100....
Figured somone on here might know
What am I missing, I had MRV working until they discontinued some updates ago, and now most of you seem to have it back & I do not, my network is hardwired and I do not have the option for a location button as menitoned above the reset button. I am, running all latest HR22 boxes that worked fine as soon as MRV was available, but I have never gotten it back & I really want it. Please help!
Sounds like you need to read the instructions!
You'll need to do a keyword search for "bringmrvback" and then let the search fail with 'no programs found'. After that, you should have a 'location' option in the system setup menu just above 'reset'. Make sure your playlists are set to 'shared'. If that doesnt do it, reboot and wait 15 minutes.
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