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HR2x CE Release 10/2 v.35F | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR2x CE Release 10/2 v.35F

New to this...

Hello all,

I am new to the CE scene...I just did my first CE download on my receivers last weekend, and everything appeared to be fine - I got MRV turned on with my DVR box last weekend. Could not get MRV to enable on my other boxes (H21/200 w/ 435F). I have used the keyword IAMANEDGECUTTER to turn on the Misc. Options successfully. I have tried both keywords MRVCLIENTON and BRINGMRVBACK on the boxes with no success. Can someone point me in the right direction? I am able to see and use my livingroom DVR receiver with DTV2PC just fine...

Thanks in advance!
Lost Internet connection (boxes were connected to the network). Had to reboot my routers. Back up and downloading a DOD movie for my kids. Everything is working again.
Report Key: 20091004-2EED

Gray background on menus, gray background on music channels. Cannot access TV-Apps.

Will reboot to see of that clears up these issues.

Working fine after reboot, will monitor to see if any issues reoccur.
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30 second skip and replay buttons are working really weird with MRV. Last night I was watching an MRV show and the replay button was taking me back about 1.2 seconds while the skip button was taking me a lot further than 30 seconds.

FF and REW on very long shows (like a 4.5 hour football game) are also weird. I hit FF4x on it and it took a really, really long time to get out to the 15 minute mark in the show.

BTW, the problem they have with this stuff is that the mpeg4 compression is variable rate, so they have to do a lot of guessing on the fly as to how far in the recording file to jump. Especially if the show you're watching has a lot of fast motion and scene changing.

An animated show that has little fast motion or scene changes wont be a particularly variable recording. A football game or action movie on the other hand will have a lot of variability in the compression rates.

On old fixed bitrate recordings, all you needed to know was the recording bitrate and the time you wanted to jump ahead or backwards. In have to maintain counters of average rates for this particular show and take a guess.
I wasn't around last night, but for those concerned about the "scary high risk" the other site posted, I belive this is just their spin on October, with Halloween coming up. This release should have no more or less risk than the past several.
When watching a show recorded on my R22 From my HR23-700: Resume does not work. It starts the program from the begining again.
One thing I've had happen twice in the past few days is my h21 unit's controls locking up. The unit refuses to respond to the remote and the units controls. I've had to do a complete reset by pulling the power, the RBR didnt fix it.
I wasn't around last night, but for those concerned about the "scary high risk" the other site posted, I belive this is just their spin on October, with Halloween coming up. This release should have no more or less risk than the past several.

It went further than that. The mods in their chatroom were telling everyone that the risk was extraordinarily high and that people should wait a day or avoid downloading if they werent willing to take the risk.

Of course, I think Directv has been amping up the risk level to reduce the number of people downloading the CE's. I dont even pay attention to the risk level anymore, if its anything worse than "very high risk" (which appears to be 'normal risk'), I wait until a few people have downloaded it first before continuing on.

I might just adopt a strategy of doing it on saturday nights, since a few times they've put out releases that werent even stable on most peoples boxes for more than a few hours, indicating they didnt do a whole lot of testing previously.

In case nobody else knows this, the prior 'testing' is done in-house at directv, is then sent out early in the week to select CE'ers who then check it out for a couple of days and send in bug reports, more bug fixes are jammed in at the last minute and then its sent out to the rest of us on Friday.

Back to this release. MRV splattability seems signficantly reduced. Remote control response seems better. Previously if someone was watching a show via MRV and someone on another box deleted it, it went away but the watcher could finish watching the you get an error 'cannot delete show since its being watched in another room'. Show deletes, especially remote deletes, seem a lot slower. Havent had any hangs or reboots yet, but usually it makes it through to the middle or end of the day on monday. If its still running on both boxes by tomorrow, that'll be a new record.
HR23-100 Report Code: 2009100529E4
Problem: Tried to playback show from an HR21-700 and received the following error: "Playback failed. Client's access card invalid or absent" Card is valid (verified with DTV).
Everything was working fine all weekend. This only happened this afternoon. I rebooted with and than without the card inserted. After doing so i than had a problem with the HR21 not able to view programs on the other machine. Was able to do so prior to the reboot of the HR23.

HR21-700 Report Code: 20091005-1DF1

Problem: Tried to playback from the HR23 and received a message about DTCP and AKE not working. (forgot to write it tdown)
I had both HR20-100's become no longer visible to a PC with directv2pc, even though both could MRV with each other.

I unplugged the network cables from both, plugged them back in, and both became visible again.

I know directv keeps tabs on the status of the wired ethernet line and drops any MRV connections if you unplug the wire even for a second...all copy protection BS. Apparently it can get into some sort of state where it will do MRV but not even respond to directv2pc, but if you disconnect it momentarily it detects that and resets whatever was preventing it from responding.
I downloaded 35b a couple of weeks ago and when I start network services (I have an:confused: hr23) a window comes up and asks if I want to share my playlist which I respond yes, then name the receiver.
How do I know if MRV has started? I have a couple other series2 dtvs and a series2 tivo networked to the hr23. Nothing shows up on NPL on any box. I did the MRVCLIENTON
Well, both my boxes were still running as of late last night, which is a record for duration before rebooting. Usually they seize up on monday sometime.

So I proactively rebooted anyhow just to be sure, and that turned out to be a mistake. Both boxes were giving the "ake failed" which I've rarely gotten before and losemrv/bringmrvback gave me "access card absent" errors.

Rebooted one and mrv started working again but then the other receiver started giving me a frozen screen on live playback and then went to a gray screen. Rebooting that one now.

That'll teach me to mess with something that isnt broken.
I have a couple other series2 dtvs and a series2 tivo networked to the hr23.

I don't use the MRV feature, but I believe that it will only work between the HRxx models or between an HRxx an Hxx model.
HR21-100 with AM21

MRV give access card errors and will not work between both of my HR21's. Tried all of the usual things - restarting MRV, rebooting, etc.

Mediashare loses connection frequently. Unusable.

A lot of brrrips like Matt pointed out above. Probably every 5 minutes or more. Sometimes the video goes black at the same time as the receiver fart. Not very watchable.

Deleting a program in the list deletes the program above it.

There's a few duplicate folders in the list with 0 programs in them.

Remote response is pretty slow/laggy.

The GUI takes a few seconds to draw graphics when screens change at certain times.

I ended up going back to the NR and probably will stay there until there's a CE that won't screw up my wife's one or two hour a week TV watching.
I have an HR23-700, R22, and (2) H23-600's all hard wired to a Westell A90 ADSL2+ Modem Router. I downloaded the CE last Friday night and have not had to Reset any of the boxes this week. I have used MRV every day since last friday. As I stated earlier, the auto "rewind" after fast forwarding is WAY off when watching from another DVR. Other than that, I can't complain a whole lot. While watching a football game on Sunday that I recorded on my R22 from my HR23 I did experience the Briiip that you guys are referring to, but it was a constant briiiip every few seconds. So I hit pause thinking the R22 was trying to do something. I went to the bathroom, grabbed a cold beer, and by the time I got back, I watched the rest of the game without Briiips. The menus and remote response leave a little bit to be desired, but overall, not a bad week.
I've seen far fewer "Brrrips" and UPL problems with CE x35f and IMO, it's a step in the right direction for my HR22-100s.

I see a quick update of UPL occurring just after opening LIST when it hasn't updated since opening last and recordings have been added or in progress. It's snappy and I think more reliable and consistent.

I think the device used to network the boxes make a difference; I'm testing a gigabit switch and I noticed this same behavior in both configurations that I've used with the new switch (isolating or buffering the DVRs from network with switch or adding all devices to the switch and using the switch to help regulate all local & INTERNET traffic).

1080i MRV playback still suffers from either bandwidth or packet forwarding compatibility issue and/or insufficient buffer size. Audio drops very briefly prior to video problems (very noticeable with headphones).

720p shows some improvement. Less splattering and pixeling but still shows jitter and brief frame freeze while audio is usually not effected.

Only restarts I've had to do were induced while testing switch configurations.

I see no benefit from the switch's Qos 802.1p prioritizing standard that is supposed to prevent network clogging of packets by utilizing packet time-stamp timeouts and forwarding retransmitted packets ahead of the sequential packets which I had hoped would eliminate the splats but did not.
I'm running in native mode. Seems like the box is taking longer to change channels when it has to switch resolutions.
Other interesting problem. Ours has decided to not record some shows, popping up with errors suggesting a mismatch between the series link options and the guide data, or giving the "expected xyz and got xyza" in the guide data.

To me, if you're the dvr and you're a bit confused...record the dang program and let the user delete it if its a mis-record.

I deleted and recreated the series links and it seems to have decided to record them again, so maybe just some crap in the series link database?

R15 / R16 CE Release 10/16 v.1288

D12 CE Release 10/23 v.1195

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