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HR2x CE Release 9/25 v.35B | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR2x CE Release 9/25 v.35B

I got a HR20-700 and im noticing that when i pause live tv and hit play i have no sound. in order to get sound i have to hit RR a quick sec then play and i get sound.

just wondering if anyone else was having this problem?
Since I have MRV running perfectly and everything seems to be perfect, I am not risking any more updates.
Since I have MRV running perfectly and everything seems to be perfect, I am not risking any more updates.

I did it in one out of my 4 HR20's. MRV is working fine but I also don't want to take any risks by getting the DL on the other ones.

Anymore posts with success stories so I can DL on my other HR20's tonight?:D
I did it in one out of my 4 HR20's. MRV is working fine but I also don't want to take any risks by getting the DL on the other ones.

Anymore posts with success stories so I can DL on my other HR20's tonight?:D

Last night's download MRV working perfectly on HR20/100; HR20/700; HR21/100; HR21/700

I cannot get MRV to even show up , lists only contain shows for the current box, i did the keyword search for bringmrv back.. nada...

please help missing MRV....
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I cannot get MRV to even show up , lists only contain shows for the current box, i did the keyword search for bringmrv back.. nada...

please help missing MRV....

under menu -> parental, fav & setup -> system setup -> do you see location just above reset? If so you got MRV
After much interpretation of the 'wink and nod' and fandance maneuvers used to communicate information between directv and its customers, it appears that the dvr's on the CE will benefit from putting the receivers in standby mode periodically. Apparently there are some housekeeping functions that will only be performed when in standby or alternatively when the unit cant wait any longer, and with all the extra stuff the new s/w is doing, that can cause some problems to manifest themselves.

I put both units in standby for about 6 hours earlier today and enjoyed blip free MRV for 2 hours this evening, which has never happened before.

I guess its always taken standby mode time to do housekeeping, but until rather recently its been able to do it here and there when the unit was on and there wasnt much of a problem. Now with directv2pc, mrv, dlb, etc, needs it. This was a big deal for me because I've NEVER put my units in standby.

I also discovered that if you are using MRV bi-directionally (as in the wife downstairs watching something on the upstairs dvr while you're upstairs watching something on the downstairs dvr), and you both delete a show on the other DVR at approximately the same time, both lock up. One went to 'please wait' with a stuck progress meter and the other went to a black screen.

I'd file reports, but directv doesnt read this site so hopefully they find this obscure bug on their own before the s/w goes NR.
Think you might have got lucky, I put all four of my HD DVR's in standby when not being used and get the occasional video breakup on all of them.
Occasional, yes. I usually get a good blip every 5-7 minutes and small ones in between. Sometimes I only get a couple per show. I've had a few shows where the breakups were so bad it was hard to watch. Never gone a couple of hours with just a couple of minor blips.

Fun anecdote. My dvr froze the other night so we missed the first ~1/2 hour of House and since the network wants you to wait 8 days to watch episodes of House and my wife couldnt wait that long, I downloaded a crappy video of the first hour and we watched it on the PC with media player. It was SD and looked like it was about VHS quality and I had to run it through a converter to transcode it from flash format to windows media format. And you can guess that wasnt pretty.. When we'd finished watching to the point where I'd rebooted the HD dvr, we watched the rest of it in HD via MRV from the upstairs dvr. It was hitching the video and audio every 3-5 minutes pretty bad. About 15 minutes into it my wife said "watching the crappy internet video was better".

So theres your fine subjective perspective for the evening... ;)
HR21-100 with AM21
Series recordings do not work with this CE. It is skipping most of the programs I have set to record even though there's no conflicts. Not good with the new TV season starting...

Also there's delays of 4-8 seconds bringing up the guide at times. The remote response has the usual slowness we've seen lately.

MRV does not work - "Cannot play DTCP content. AKE fail."

Going back to NR.
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Got x35B successfully first time on HR23-700 and R22... 435b on H21-200... All seem to be functioning normal... (have not tried anything advanced yet)

Works fine on my two HR23-700's and H21-200. All series recordings showing up and absolutely no glitches in HD video playback. I have a Gigabit hard wired network to all units.
As I understand it, the guide data gets assimilated more quickly and the todo list gets processed much more reliably if the unit is put in standby once in a while...
After 24 hours I had full guide but 90% of my series set to record said (0) even though the shows were in the guide. There is something wrong with this CE in how it populates the to-do list from series links. I rebooted and it didn't help. Didn't try shutting the box off though. I hope they don't make us do that to get correct recordings.
After 24 hours I had full guide but 90% of my series set to record said (0) even though the shows were in the guide. There is something wrong with this CE in how it populates the to-do list from series links. I rebooted and it didn't help. Didn't try shutting the box off though. I hope they don't make us do that to get correct recordings.

I did the Friday night download on my HR21-100 and the series manager is looking fine in mine, example shows two Survivor's to record. Are you network connected so you can generate a report on your problem STB?
Downloaded on my HR21/H21 on Friday night. All was fine after the download and MRV worked yesterday. Now today MRV isnt working although the h21 shows as being network connected. I've tried resets to no avail. Additionally, every so often on the H21 I've gotten the message 'UNKNOWN has disconnected from the network'.

Any thoughts?
I did send report #20090927-2F29

I tried to go back to NR last night but 35B was still streaming when I last tried it at 4am Eastern. I was going to go back today when I thought I would try shutting the box down for a bit. I still had (0) for each show in the series manager today. I shut off the box for an hour this afternoon and the series manager populated its data and shows how many shows are being recorded correctly now. Weird. MRV still gives the error I posted above.
Downloaded on my HR21/H21 on Friday night. All was fine after the download and MRV worked yesterday. Now today MRV isnt working although the h21 shows as being network connected. I've tried resets to no avail. Additionally, every so often on the H21 I've gotten the message 'UNKNOWN has disconnected from the network'.

Any thoughts?

Have you tried rebooting the receivers? They may bring the connection back. Or restarting MRV on each one by turning the feature off and back on.
Me too, Got the new software x35B and now MRV doesn't work. Get message" Cannot play DTCP content. AKE fail." (HR20-100). Restarting the boxes now

I reset the box and all is good now. My playlist finally sorts and stays sorted instead of reverting back to date sorting . I can put is on (A-Z) and it stays there, Yeah! When you expand a folder it stays expanded until you collapse it now
Yep, watch all those tyra banks episodes. :)


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