Is CE gone early? Shows 04D1 when I try and download on my HR23-700.
Is CE gone early? Shows 04D1 when I try and download on my HR23-700.
They never seemed to have a CE for HR23-700 last night. I'll try again tonight on it,but I'm not staying up all night for it. If it doesn't get the CE by 11:30PM tonight,I'm giving up & waiting for next week's CE's.
I went back to 59e this morning. See you next week CE.
Right now you should be able to get 0x057B which is the NR ....
Did you not wait long enough, often the older version will display first and :30 sec or so later the new one comes in.
If I were a betting person, I would guess that there won't be a CE for that one tonight either.
That said, I would expect one next week.
So what am I missing? Anything that leads you to think that? Past trending? Inquiring minds want to know!
yes. twiceI'm guessing you did a reboot and it didn't fix the problem ?
05B3 downloading now to my HR23-700. Guess it dropped off the stream early last night.
Why am I not able to d/l new firmware to any of my receivers via 02468 ??? I've tried between 11-2 EST
baba_ghanoush said:Two H24-200's and an HR21-100
No matter how many times I red button reset and quickly press 02468 on the remote...It doesn't work! WTF
This is strange. I've tried downloading on both H25 receivers and it just sits there searching for software. Anyone else experiencing this?
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