Internal temp is WAY down ... 113 on the HR20-700, thats a first 
I'll wait and see if it stays that way or not .

I'll wait and see if it stays that way or not .
Network Service still doesn't work! Hit connect and it says that it connected but failed the test. Is this ever going to be fixed??
Well with that you have suckered me in. I usually wuss out and wait till Saturday night.The Vegas odds makers are hoping for Multi Room Viewing this cycle.
My Internal Temp is 102, A bit low.
I admit it, I was wrong, I thought it was a Bigger Priority List, just wishful thinking, next time, maybe.
Well I downloaded and now have only 40-50% signal on the 103. Other sats are at 90-100. Anyone else having this issue?
Did you generate any error reports to D* so they could see what your receiver was doing?went back to na release. this update gave me major lip sync issues plus i don't remember the last time the gui was so painfully slow.
Did you generate any error reports to D* so they could see what your receiver was doing?
went back to na release. this update gave me major lip sync issues plus i don't remember the last time the gui was so painfully slow.
Did you loose any favorites lists, recordings or timers going back?
I did notice the gui was painfully slow but this morning it seems better. Slower than 290 but not nearly as bad as it was initially. 290 is definitely the best rev so far. Way to go team!went back to na release. this update gave me major lip sync issues plus i don't remember the last time the gui was so painfully slow.
What does this mean? You technical types can tell me..I am not sure, but I thought Jason mentioned that NetSrvcs was not expected to work still? Or maybe fully? Hope he will post some clarity.
Also my GUI is still quick as before and to another user's post, I did not "gain" lip sync with this release.
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