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HR2x & R22 CE Release 6/26 v.032C | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR2x & R22 CE Release 6/26 v.032C

Make up a diagnostics report and send it to D* and post it here, if they see enough people complaining about laggy remotes,maybe they will do something about it.

The Remotes have been this way for a LOOOOONG time now.

i understand that but not like this. i've seen it slow but not like this. it's a little better this week but i can barely scroll through the guide making watching tv a hassle. will post DK.
HR21-100 with AM21
Report: 20090627-302C

I downloaded the CE last night around 11:20 PM Eastern. Some things with the GUI seemed faster like fast forwarding, rewinding, scrolling through the list of recorded programs. But scrolling though the guide and entering channel numbers was/is even slower. Some commands I would count slowly to eight before they would excute after hitting the remote button. Today everything seems slow except for browsing through the menu settings. Turning off smooth scrolling makes no difference in speed.

As with the last CE, when trying to add/delete channels in your favorites above channel 1000, the list goes blank and the receiver locks up.
SPOKE TOO SOON. The next morning the remote is back to being very slow, even entering channel numbers is not fluid and takes several tries. Sometimes have to press the button two or three times before it takes it. Tried two remotes.

Same here; it was responding much quicker last night but today it has gone back to ignoring me or waiting up 8 seconds to respond to some commands. Otherwise, no worse than last weeks CE for me.

Make up a diagnostics report and send it to D* and post it here, if they see enough people complaining about laggy remotes,maybe they will do something about it.

The Remotes have been this way for a LOOOOONG time now.

Kind of strange some HR's are very laggy while others aren't but still others start out very good and then start lagging later. If lag was being addressed, I would think the opposite would be true; let the DVR catch up on its tasks and lag will go away.
I wonder if maybe a RBR might help. I'm noticing the same thing here. Right after download it seemed pretty good but today not so much.:rant::D
VOD's have an expiration date, is this possibly what happened? Check the history screen to see if it tells you why they were deleted.

The VOD Expiration was 11/09, the history screen only shows one episode downloaded on the 24th(when I downloaded them all) it does not show the other 5 downloaded or deleted. Don't know of anything else to look for, I have all ready re-downloaded the episodes missing so I'm good to go. Thanks for you help, I never knew the History screen existed. Jay:D
I downloaded this CE version on friday night. I have to say I am loving this Gameswap (DoublePlay) feature. Also I have tested the remote on ir and rf modes and it seems to be working much better than it did on 0x0312. Also I think the subtitle feature is amazing but I just wish they would give the option to choose the color of the font instead of just yellow cause I would really like it if the font was white with a black border around the letters.
Trickplay on MRV content seems to have improved although its still not as smooth as a local playback. The "delete" dialog at the end of an MRV playback seems more reliable than last weeks CE...most of the time I had to hit the back button and red button to delete a show as it'd just hit the end and stop and sit there...this weeks gives me the delete dialog most of the time in a timely manner.

Still some glitching on the mrv playback but it seems better. Havent seen the problem where a receiver drops off the planet in the middle of a playback, which happened to me 3 times last week, on about 2.5 day intervals, requiring a reboot.

So far so good. Looks 95-97% of the way there to me, providing the receiver freeze problem doesnt remanifest itself.
I spoke too soon. Just like the last 2 weeks CE's, after 2.5 days MRV broke down. Watching a MRV'd show, halfway through the picture and audio start breaking up like rain fade coming on. Continues to play but unwatchable. Hitting exit brings you out to the playlist, but playing any MRV show causes the HR20 to freeze solid on a gray screen.

Other HR feeding the show continues to operate, but my experiences from the last two weeks were that it would freeze up within the hour or at least refuse to participate in sharing its playlist.

RBR'd the frozen one and menu restarted the other.

This should be recurring in another 2.5 days.
I spoke too soon. Just like the last 2 weeks CE's, after 2.5 days MRV broke down. Watching a MRV'd show, halfway through the picture and audio start breaking up like rain fade coming on. Continues to play but unwatchable. Hitting exit brings you out to the playlist, but playing any MRV show causes the HR20 to freeze solid on a gray screen.

Other HR feeding the show continues to operate, but my experiences from the last two weeks were that it would freeze up within the hour or at least refuse to participate in sharing its playlist.

RBR'd the frozen one and menu restarted the other.

This should be recurring in another 2.5 days.

I had a thread open about this that got no replies but this description seems to be more accurate. I would also add that I've seen a large red dot with a horizontal white line through it appear next to one of my recordings on LIST prior to it disappearing from LIST and not be accessible anywhere but HISTORY after that. That was happening last week with x327 and once so far with x32c but it just may be on that 2.5 interval.
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SPOKE TOO SOON. The next morning the remote is back to being very slow, even entering channel numbers is not fluid and takes several tries. Sometimes have to press the button two or three times before it takes it. Tried two remotes.

I did not download this weeks CE.....BUT, my remote is having the same problems you mentioned....and yes it was fine before the weekend. Now explain that !
I had a thread open about this that got no replies but this description seems to be more accurate. I would also add that I've seen a large red dot with a vertical white line through it appear next to one of my recordings on LIST prior to it disappearing from LIST and not be accessible anywhere but HISTORY after that. That was happening last week with x327 and once so far with x32c but it just may be on that 2.5 interval.

I'm afraid to look at my history today. I saw on another site that a lot of stuff isnt recording and the history says its got something to do with not getting guide data updates or 'not getting them on time'.

I had the stuff recording but not showing up in the list, only from history could it be played. Rebooted and it went away.

I'll have to look through my history later this evening or tomorrow and see what things might have recorded but arent showing up, or didnt record when they should have.
I had a thread open about this that got no replies but this description seems to be more accurate. I would also add that I've seen a large red dot with a vertical white line through it appear next to one of my recordings on LIST prior to it disappearing from LIST and not be accessible anywhere but HISTORY after that. That was happening last week with x327 and once so far with x32c but it just may be on that 2.5 interval.

Are you close to having the hard drive full ?

I think I got something like this awhile back and didn't know what it was, but deleted some outdated stuff and the red dot went away ... is this the close to empty icon ?
I'm afraid to look at my history today. I saw on another site that a lot of stuff isnt recording and the history says its got something to do with not getting guide data updates or 'not getting them on time'.

I had the stuff recording but not showing up in the list, only from history could it be played. Rebooted and it went away.

I'll have to look through my history later this evening or tomorrow and see what things might have recorded but arent showing up, or didnt record when they should have.

A few weeks back, after a CE I went to my playlist and found it empty, rebooted, no help... tried everything I could think of ... could access them from the history and watch then .... started isolating what had changed other than the CE it self.
Remembered that I had turned on the MRV feature. (I only have one DVR in this location). Once I turned that off the Play list came right back ....

Still not sure why this happened, but I reported it, but haven't tried it since then.
Today The box has been lagging, and it actually froze, like all the interface froze, I couldn't do anything for a good 40secs, it was stuck on Qucktune., but the tv show was still going.

The DoublePlay is kinda confussing, like how does it know what channel to select to switch between, like i had the last two channels on vh1, and mtv, nothing was recoding but when i used DoublePlay it went between Disney channel west and MTV which made no sense cause i wasnt even watching disney channel west.

This was on an HR-22 HD DVR
I had a thread open about this that got no replies but this description seems to be more accurate. I would also add that I've seen a large red dot with a vertical white line through it appear next to one of my recordings on LIST prior to it disappearing from LIST and not be accessible anywhere but HISTORY after that. That was happening last week with x327 and once so far with x32c but it just may be on that 2.5 interval.

Are you close to having the hard drive full ?

I think I got something like this awhile back and didn't know what it was, but deleted some outdated stuff and the red dot went away ... is this the close to empty icon ?

I was at 67% available when this happened last. I thought the recording was flagged for delete so I checked and it was not a VOD nearing expiration so I marked it "Keep Until I delete". When I went back to LIST, it was gone. Found it in HISTORY and was able to verify keep status. Restarted DVR and it came back to LIST. Since the previous CE, I've seen this three times; in CE x327, the LIST would stop updating after that and I could no longer remotely view MRV because the new recordings would only show in HISTORY or TO DO LIST on the local DVR. The one time I saw this with x32c, I restarted before the LIST had any opportunity to stop updating so I'm not sure if x32c is any better for me or not.
They have GOT to do something about ignoring or laggy remote commands. I had a recording fast forward through half an hour of the show because it wouldn't respond to the play button. Before any new features are worked on or released, this MUST be fixed.
MRV Delete Problems

Since Tuesday night, I've only had MRV playback and Shared LIST working in the B/R DVR. I've been trying to turn MRV on/off in the L/R to no avail and finally restarted but again, no MRV list; no playback; no option to view Shared List (yellow button in LIST is missing bottom option: "Filter by Playlist" while Menu/setup/Location and MISC Options MultiRoomDVR confirm that MRV is on).

I've noticed slow updating on Shared MRV List and had inadvertently deleted the same show twice, first on the local DVR, then much later in the day on the remote DVR. I think deleting the same show, that in fact wasn't truly there, caused an unknown event that caused one DVR to stop recognizing the other while the other continues to show a Shared MRV LIST and playback from the remote DVR. If I get MRV right again, I'm toggling delete option to "this room only" and see if that helps with the slow updates on Shared List.

I've tried to avoid the excessive restarting of DVR's because that seems to induce the lag in remote response. But it looks like the same old restart both DVR's to recover MRV; I'll have to restart the DVR that's actually streaming MRV. Sending diagnostics Report from the L/R DVR that failed to display Shared List, options under List yellow button, and has MRV playback capabilities as a result.

My remote lag times hasn't been all that bad since I haven't been restarting so often and covering the IR window may have helped some too; I don't need it with RF remote but I covered it thinking that the CPU may be tasking itself needlessly only to ignore IR commands that were intended for the TV.

I tried to verify playback through beta 5313 DirecTv2PC but it seems to be stuck at "...checking for product updates". Haven't seen this before either; maybe I've encountered some porting problem in network or it's actually downloading an update without displaying activity? I think both may be port problems but in the case of the HR22's, they are directly connected and should be able to resolve their own conflict with MRVCLIENTOFF/ON.

Diagnostic Report # 20080702-3722
Since Tuesday night, I've only had MRV playback and Shared LIST working in the B/R DVR. I've been trying to turn MRV on/off in the L/R to no avail and finally restarted but again, no MRV list; no playback; no option to view Shared List (yellow button in LIST is missing bottom option: "Filter by Playlist" while Menu/setup/Location and MISC Options MultiRoomDVR confirm that MRV is on).

I've noticed slow updating on Shared MRV List and had inadvertently deleted the same show twice, first on the local DVR, then much later in the day on the remote DVR. I think deleting the same show, that in fact wasn't truly there, caused an unknown event that caused one DVR to stop recognizing the other while the other continues to show a Shared MRV LIST and playback from the remote DVR. If I get MRV right again, I'm toggling delete option to "this room only" and see if that helps with the slow updates on Shared List.

I've tried to avoid the excessive restarting of DVR's because that seems to induce the lag in remote response. But it looks like the same old restart both DVR's to recover MRV; I'll have to restart the DVR that's actually streaming MRV. Sending diagnostics Report from the L/R DVR that failed to display Shared List, options under List yellow button, and has MRV playback capabilities as a result.

My remote lag times hasn't been all that bad since I haven't been restarting so often and covering the IR window may have helped some too; I don't need it with RF remote but I covered it thinking that the CPU may be tasking itself needlessly only to ignore IR commands that were intended for the TV.

I tried to verify playback through beta 5313 DirecTv2PC but it seems to be stuck at "...checking for product updates". Haven't seen this before either; maybe I've encountered some porting problem in network or it's actually downloading an update without displaying activity? I think both may be port problems but in the case of the HR22's, they are directly connected and should be able to resolve their own conflict with MRVCLIENTOFF/ON.

Diagnostic Report # 20080702-3722

Yes, restarting the MRV streamable HR22 in B/R got both HR22's streaming MRV and sharing LIST again as well as DirecTv2PC now launches w/o getting stuck at "...checking for product updates". I'm testing with "allow deletion: from this room only" on both HR22's to see if I can get closer to real-time updates on the Shared List. I may switch it back to "allow deletion: from all rooms" late in the x32f CE test, and sooner if I can get some positive feedback on x32f MRV list, performance and stability. I hate to send redundant or false diagnostic reports but I may have sent report from the wrong HR22!

Sorry about that!
I spoke too soon. Just like the last 2 weeks CE's, after 2.5 days MRV broke down. Watching a MRV'd show, halfway through the picture and audio start breaking up like rain fade coming on. Continues to play but unwatchable. Hitting exit brings you out to the playlist, but playing any MRV show causes the HR20 to freeze solid on a gray screen.

Other HR feeding the show continues to operate, but my experiences from the last two weeks were that it would freeze up within the hour or at least refuse to participate in sharing its playlist.

RBR'd the frozen one and menu restarted the other.

This should be recurring in another 2.5 days.

Took four full days to do the same thing, MRV died in my play on from the bedroom to the living room, and after that the bedroom unit couldnt see anything on the living room unit.

Will see if this persists in the CE coming out tonight. Should manifest itself by tuesday if thats the case.

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