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I am on DROID now with a Sprint EVO | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

I am on DROID now with a Sprint EVO

I corrected my wife this weekend when she told a friend she purchased a new droid phone. I told her the Epic 4G was an android-based phone and that Droid was a brand name licensed by VerizonWireless. She replied that she was married to a nitnoid. :p

The fascinate and LG ally are both android smart phones on Verizon that don't have the Droid moniker.
True. He said that they don't have any NON android phones that they call Droid. I was confused at first too. Lol

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
SetCPU? Faster kernels?

Rom Manager?

Titanium Backup -- best way ro create backups of all of your apps AND data.

(Assuming those run on the EVO);

There are several wireless tether programs on the market; try a different one. I have not been a big fan of wirelessly tethering; have not found it particularly stable; but I use USB tether via PDANet and it works great.

I can't find Titanium Backup on the market.
The Market can be glitchy.... I just searched for "titanium" and it's # 4 on the list. It works with Android 1.5 and newer, so it's not a case of your phone having an OS version that it doesn't work with. Try it again later.
I can't find Titanium Backup on the market.


Titanium Backup
I love the Cyanogen ROMs on my Droid Eris. Way better than HTC Sense with Launcher Pro Plus added in. Overclocked the thing, wired and wireless tethering work like a charm and theming is easy. I've started writing android applications now. Wish me luck! Enjoy the phone Scott. My work has a cult Eris following and a few Droid and EVO users.
I'm running the Cyanogen 2.2 ROM on my Hero. So far it's MUCH more responsive than the stock ROM. I'm running the nightly from the 13th of October.

I miss a couple of things from Sense, but I'm not going back to that on this phone.

I'm seriously thinking about getting an Epic 4G, but want to see when Samsung/Sprint get 2.2 on it, and what the forums think about it once that's out.
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I am running the epic experience with the mixup kernel. I tried the baked snack but didn't like a few things. Running at 100 to 1.2 on the clock settings. Switched off of the touchwiz crap and went the adw launcher. Very nice once I configured things. Using Prehome for a task switcher.
Played with launcher pro and just didn't like it compared to Adw. No speed differences between the two that I saw. Like all the options adw has...very slick.
Congratulations Scott on getting a real smartphone on a real network! I had an iPhone 3G for about 15 months, AT&T has the worst network around! Terrible 3G coverage, terrible 3G speeds, awful voice network. Hell, I didn't even use my iPhone as a phone most of the time, except when I'd talk to a buddy of mine who also had an iPhone so it was free AT&T to AT&T. I could not believe at how many dropped calls I had when I had FULL BAR 3G coverage, especially considering the limited amount of times I used the dumb thing as a phone. I held on to my Nextel service and used that as my cell phone for voice since AT&T was so unreliable. And then there's the whole matter of the iPhone. I honestly don't see what's so great about it. It lacked a lot of features that other platforms have had forever, it's closed system is a big turn off and I cannot stand the whole Apple cult[ure]. I had my iPhone jailbroken and even then it felt like it was a lackluster device that was overhyped.

I bought the Evo a few days after it was released. I ordered it on the Tuesday after it came out, was put on a waiting list and had it Thursday. At the time I also took the liberty to upgrade my Nextel phone and my mothers Nextel phone and got the plan how I like it. I still carry around two phones, as I need a durable phone and the Evo can’t exactly take the beating my i680 can, including taxes and fees I’m paying $172 for a three phone shared plan on Sprint, with virtually unlimited everything, but calls to landlines of which I have 1500 minutes. But with Unlimited Nights & Weekends starting at 7PM not 9, I could careless. AT&Ts pricing is a complete rip-off. I can’t believe they make you pay for Turn by Turn GPS, and it’s the SAME EXACT thing as Sprint uses, Telenav, that Sprint includes in most all rate plans.

I have better coverage with Sprint, faster data speeds with Sprint and more reliable service. A few weeks ago I was traveling in southern NY. A good stretch of area where I would have zero AT&T service. Had full 3G with my Evo, Full bars on Nextel and Full bars on my Verizon work phone. And now with the limits AT&T has on data, screw that! I didn’t use all that much data with the iPhone since AT&T service sucked so bad. Hard to use what you don’t have. Now with Sprint and a real smartphone I’m doing 4-5GB per month.

I can honestly say I will never do business with AT&T again, and I will never buy another Apple product again. Nothing either of those two companies has to offer remotely impresses me.

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