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I HATE Google Assistant

Hi all; thanks for the further clarifying replies.

TheKrell: When I asked if you are or are not using voice commands on your Dish receivers, you said "I do not". But then you added, "I prefer the 40 anyway." Uhmmmm.....that went over my head ;) What is "the 40"? What does it mean? What does it do?

SandFarmer: It looks like you dug up some information; "According to other Dish site it can be disabled by removing permissions - but then looks like you have no voice search. To disable this feature press and hold the mic button, then say "Stop sending data". This should disable all voice features. If you do press the mic button again afterwards there should be an option listed to disable voice that you can choose." Soooooo.....if you disable the feature by saying out-loud "Stop sending data", you're losing ALL voice command features. Then it appears like, either go with the Google Assistant Voice.....or you have no voice command feature at all.

And yes, I do understand that with the Google Assistant Voice that it can respond to many things & queries, not just channel surfing. But that's all I want, channel stuff. If I'm watching a local station of mine in the state where I live, but I want to change channels, I want to (like before) be able to pick up the remote, speak into the mic and say something like "Comedy Central", and boom, the Comedy Central channel appears on my TV screen.

Caleb S: You're saying that if I were to attempt to use it (Google Assistant Voice) by accepting the Terms and Conditions, but not logging into a Google account (which I don't have a Google account anyway), that I would retain Voice Remote functions that I had before? And with "additional features? What "additional features"? Can you be specific? What does that mean and what does it entail?

But as you mentioned (when you referenced ChadT41), it's still going to be powered by Google, and as of now, it can't be reverted back to the regular voice commands that the Dish remote used to have. Because of the software that's now been downloaded into the Dish Network receiver, if it's going to be powered by Google, then Google is always listening, even if they claim otherwise (and no, I'm not being paranoid; Google has proven themselves to be untrustworthy in many cases in the past). Google is about as trustworthy as a fox in the henhouse.
TheKrell: funny you should bring that up!! ;):oldlaugh:eek: I'm referring to Amazon!!!

My wife mainly uses Amazon Prime to get to some of the shows she watches; me, personally? I don't watch anything through them. I was just throwing out a few names of services (Netflix, Hulu, Vudu.....).

I will share this with you: I own a Kindle Fire HD device. These devices are basically a tablet, but I mainly use it for my e-reader (I'm an avid reader of both fiction novels....and some non-fiction :biggrin2). Some years ago, one day, after powering on my Kindle device, there on the main screen of the carousel, I see the Washington Post. So I'm wondering, did that get there? I don't subscribe to this publication.

So, I call Amazon/ Kindle Tech Support, and the representative tells me that they just "pushed" it out to all devices for free (maybe it was a "promotional" thing at the for a while then with an option to purchase a subscription; I'm not sure and I didn't ask).

Anyway, as you might be aware, the owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, purchased the Washington Post many years ago. Now I realize that in today's day & age, there's not much real, objective journalism anymore, but the Washington Post definitely leans to the political "left"; I myself tend to lean to the "right".

So I told the Amazon/ Kindle Tech rep to remove it from my device, that I don't want it on there. So, remotely, they removed it (I guess the opposite of "pushing" it out to my device, they "un-pushed" it!!!:nana).

Yes, I am one of those from the school of thought that some tech companies out there are getting just a bit too big, and the power and influence they have can go too far (Google/ YouTube; Facebook; Twitter; etc.). Some of these companies have to decide whether they are a "platform".....or a "publisher".

So, the voice command devices such as Google Home ("OK, Google....") and Amazon's Alexa/ Echo ("Hey Alexa....) are glorified pieces of spyware. Both of these devices "claim" they aren't listening to you except when you want them to? You believe that? You also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? If so, then I have some unicorn farts to sell you...... :raspberry Just teasing.....

For now, then yes, I suppose this is the route that Dish Network is taking (using Google Assistant Voice). We can all make choices as to whether we are on-board with something or not. There have been plenty of companies/ businesses throughout history that will make a decision to use a certain service/ device, etc., and then, depending on customer feedback or pushback, may change their policy decision.

I'm sure there are plenty of Dish customers that were not fazed a bit by this Google Assistant Voice, didn't blink an eye, and some even embraced it. I just happen to not be one of those.

Say, TheKrell, one more thing: You said, " For the record, I did not log into my Google account on my Hopper or Joeys". Soooooo.....if you did not "log into" your Google account on your Hopper or Joeys.....are you or are you not using voice commands to your Dish receivers?

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if it's going to be powered by Google, then Google is always listening, even if they claim otherwise (and no, I'm not being paranoid; Google has proven themselves to be untrustworthy in many cases in the past). Google is about as trustworthy as a fox in the henhouse.

I guess time will tell. If you have to start replacing the two AA batteries in the remote once a month or so, then you're right.
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There is absolutely no way that the Dish 54 Remote which is only powered with 2 AA batteries would have enough power to always listen. It only listens when you push the microphone button. It will echo your command on the screen.
Google Speakers, and Alexa Echo Devices are always listening but they are always plugged into a 120 volt outlet.
People that are paranoid about their privacy should realize that with the previous voice commands Amazon Alexa was being used to interpret the commands.
I personally don't care if Amazon and Google know what channels I watch, when I turn lights on and off, and even my calendar and contacts. It is a tool that makes life easier.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
With GA installed my H3s are Google Hubs. Google Home sucks up everything in the house that is compatible. Took me forever to sort it out. So GA is working better than my Echo. But it takes more effort to initiate things. I have to grab the remote and press the button. The Echo, all I have to do is yell at it.

Sent from my SM-T380 using the SatelliteGuys app!
Hi all; thanks for the further clarifying replies.

TheKrell: When I asked if you are or are not using voice commands on your Dish receivers, you said "I do not". But then you added, "I prefer the 40 anyway." Uhmmmm.....that went over my head ;) What is "the 40"? What does it mean? What does it do?

SandFarmer: It looks like you dug up some information; "According to other Dish site it can be disabled by removing permissions - but then looks like you have no voice search. To disable this feature press and hold the mic button, then say "Stop sending data". This should disable all voice features. If you do press the mic button again afterwards there should be an option listed to disable voice that you can choose." Soooooo.....if you disable the feature by saying out-loud "Stop sending data", you're losing ALL voice command features. Then it appears like, either go with the Google Assistant Voice.....or you have no voice command feature at all.

And yes, I do understand that with the Google Assistant Voice that it can respond to many things & queries, not just channel surfing. But that's all I want, channel stuff. If I'm watching a local station of mine in the state where I live, but I want to change channels, I want to (like before) be able to pick up the remote, speak into the mic and say something like "Comedy Central", and boom, the Comedy Central channel appears on my TV screen.

Caleb S: You're saying that if I were to attempt to use it (Google Assistant Voice) by accepting the Terms and Conditions, but not logging into a Google account (which I don't have a Google account anyway), that I would retain Voice Remote functions that I had before? And with "additional features? What "additional features"? Can you be specific? What does that mean and what does it entail?

But as you mentioned (when you referenced ChadT41), it's still going to be powered by Google, and as of now, it can't be reverted back to the regular voice commands that the Dish remote used to have. Because of the software that's now been downloaded into the Dish Network receiver, if it's going to be powered by Google, then Google is always listening, even if they claim otherwise (and no, I'm not being paranoid; Google has proven themselves to be untrustworthy in many cases in the past). Google is about as trustworthy as a fox in the henhouse.

Pez, additional features you can use Google Assistant for is asking "will I need an umbrella today?" and it will populate the weather for today, for example. If you are at the Hopper, you can give a command by pressing down the voice button and saying "Show me a video on new Google Assistant features", then you will see a variety of YouTube videos appearing without you have to manually open up the YouTube app. -Christina W.
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Yours talks?? I just searched for Buffalo Bills. I had to ask it 5 times before it got it right, but it brought up Buffalo Bills as a result that I Selected to see when the last 2 preseason games are on

It does, but at times you have to wait a long time before she does and it's startling when she does a long while after and a lot of the time she cuts in and out as if stuttering.

Pez, additional features you can use Google Assistant for is asking "will I need an umbrella today?" and it will populate the weather for today, for example. If you are at the Hopper, you can give a command by pressing down the voice button and saying "Show me a video on new Google Assistant features", then you will see a variety of YouTube videos appearing without you have to manually open up the YouTube app. -Christina W.

I can do that without the remote by asking my Echo. Oh and as of a couple hours after dinking with the GA to set up all my HA, it's not working as well as it did off the top. But my Echo is . . . But as far as the video, that's all I get is suggestions for Youtube Videos which is probably because Google owns Youtube and gives it priority . . . I need a DISH (old logo) oriented search device and would think DISH (old logo) would want their service to be primary if there is as much programming as has been advertised and touted. AND with all that is coming this Fall, I really want the ability to plan and set timers way ahead of time. That could be done at one time for a short time and surprisingly every so often . . .

"rvvaquero, I hear ya!!!!"
It does, but at times you have to wait a long time before she does and it's startling when she does a long while after and a lot of the time she cuts in and out as if stuttering.

I can do that without the remote by asking my Echo. Oh and as of a couple hours after dinking with the GA to set up all my HA, it's not working as well as it did off the top. But my Echo is . . . But as far as the video, that's all I get is suggestions for Youtube Videos which is probably because Google owns Youtube and gives it priority . . . I need a DISH (old logo) oriented search device and would think DISH (old logo) would want their service to be primary if there is as much programming as has been advertised and touted. AND with all that is coming this Fall, I really want the ability to plan and set timers way ahead of time. That could be done at one time for a short time and surprisingly every so often . . .

"rvvaquero, I hear ya!!!!"
Mine's talking now, but when I ask for a program/movie, etc, it brings up the Dish broadcasts, not YouTube
We definitively want everyone to be able to work their Google Assist feature and to help with the transition, we have created a web-page that provides tips and tricks! Here is a link to our web-page:DISH + Google Assistant | MyDISH | DISH Customer Support

When you are searching for something in particular, be sure to let Google know where you would like the search to take place. Such as, Dish Guide, YouTube or even Netflix. This will help narrow down the search and populate faster. -- Sam F
Mine's talking now, but when I ask for a program/movie, etc, it brings up the Dish broadcasts, not YouTube

Mine is still completely haphazard. And the searches favor Youtube. Used the "on Dish" addition and it's not a guarantee that it will help. GA is Googles' Baby and in the world of IoT and Corporate malcontent, I'm not surprised it's going this way. AND would not be surprised that in the grand scheme that during negotiations and concessions that Google was given quite a bit of leeway.

I don't know, but I might plug mine in and try it. There's another video in the related viewing b that guy where he does more things with it

While there are things to fear Alexa, there are also things, Easter Eggs, that are pretty fun.

There was a big editorial in the Trades recently on the "Voice Recordings Retention" and they gave instructions on how to delete all captured retained recordings and how to delete them. Also if you say, after re-initiating a conversation: "Forget what I just said", she will respond that she has deleted the last capture and I don't find it in the logs. WHICH doesn't mean that with AWS that they don't have the space to move it off into a "Secure" area. Whereas, in the past this would sound like a "Conspiracy Theory", these days it's a way of business. I have been watching this since the 80's when I worked for AT&T in their Computer Hardware and Software Dev divisions and the "Old Timers" had their staunch, and some violet, rejections to my suggestions of moving updates to report systems via, then, the ARAPANET instead of 12" Floppies via FedEx. They all were ardently against giving "Big Brother" or any organization any opportunity to intercept any of the transmissions. It would have made my life so much easier when I was on tour. Every time I use a Cloud service that is not my own or a service that is known for retention, I can hear these guys in my head, many long gone with warnings and prophecies of the future in dire and sometimes angered tyraids. I love and respect them and what they taught and instilled in me to this day and although I may be "Dishonoring" them with my actions, I am constantly aware and keeping an eye out.

But since I have mine set to extend conversations and we have had some duzies OF WHICH I have gotten eMails from Google Tech asking me to stop "Harassing" their AI. I fear the damage is and has been done and if I am to fear anything it would have happened by now. One day I got so "Pissed Off" I told her to "FU". Her replies was stunning: "I don't do that . . . yet." I think they are on to me. But then when I file a Bug Report our interaction is very friendly and professional.
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Mine is still completely haphazard. And the searches favor Youtube. Used the "on Dish" addition and it's not a guarantee that it will help. GA is Googles' Baby and in the world of IoT and Corporate malcontent, I'm not surprised it's going this way. AND would not be surprised that in the grand scheme that during negotiations and concessions that Google was given quite a bit of leeway.

While there are things to fear Alexa, there are also things, Easter Eggs, that are pretty fun.

There was a big editorial in the Trades recently on the "Voice Recordings Retention" and they gave instructions on how to delete all captured retained recordings and how to delete them. Also if you say, after re-initiating a conversation: "Forget what I just said", she will respond that she has deleted the last capture and I don't find it in the logs. WHICH doesn't mean that with AWS that they don't have the space to move it off into a "Secure" area. Whereas, in the past this would sound like a "Conspiracy Theory", these days it's a way of business. I have been watching this since the 80's when I worked for AT&T in their Computer Hardware and Software Dev divisions and the "Old Timers" had their staunch, and some violet, rejections to my suggestions of moving updates to report systems via, then, the ARAPANET instead of 12" Floppies via FedEx. They all were ardently against giving "Big Brother" or any organization any opportunity to intercept any of the transmissions. It would have made my life so much easier when I was on tour. Every time I use a Cloud service that is not my own or a service that is known for retention, I can hear these guys in my head, many long gone with warnings and prophecies of the future in dire and sometimes angered tyraids. I love and respect them and what they taught and instilled in me to this day and although I may be "Dishonoring" them with my actions, I am constantly aware and keeping an eye out.

But since I have mine set to extend conversations and we have had some duzies OF WHICH I have gotten eMails from Google Tech asking me to stop "Harassing" their AI. I fear the damage is and has been done and if I am to fear anything it would have happened by now. One day I got so "Pissed Off" I told her to "FU". Her replies was stunning: "I don't do that . . . yet." I think they are on to me. But then when I file a Bug Report our interaction is very friendly and professional.
How do you set it to extend conversations?
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