I currently have a TiVo Bolt for my antenna, and was planning when I have a little extra money to wait to see if a TiVo Edge for Antenna (4-tuner) happens to show up on eBay (as they occasionally show up there), but I read an article that even the 2 tuner is now discontinued. Maybe they will make another 4 tuner (or hopefully more tuners) OTA DVR, possibly capable of ATSC 3.0? Or are they done with OTA DVRs? If they do plan to do an ATSC 3.0 DVR that would save me the trouble of also getting an HD HomeRun Flex 4K for that. ((At that point I would have a TiVo Bolt for me to use for my antenna, TiVo Edge for Antenna (4 tuner), and an HD HomeRun Flex 4K.)) Are there going to be anymore TiVo DVRs or should I just get an Edge 4 tuner for my next (and probably last) TiVo DVR?