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iCloud discussion thread

Is there a way to keep your Outlook Contacts and Calendars in both my contacts/calendars in outlook AND iCloud contacts/calendars folder in outlook? When ever I sync to one it removes the info from the other
DK, wish I had the answer for you.

Right now I'm not overly thrilled with the changeover to iCloud. Other than syncing and storing some music, there is little that is better and too much that is worse than MobileMe.

One thing I looked forward to was Numbers on my Mac being synced in the cloud for my iPad and for it to happen easily from Numbers on the Mac. Doesn't work that way, or if it does, I've not figured out how. I have to manually upload to iCloud the iWork data, then the iPad can see it as well as any other iOS devices I might have. Not handy at all imo. To be fair, it wasn't even that good with MobileMe, but I could sync my damn keychains then!! :(

In the meantime, I'm letting Microsoft save the day. I exported my Numbers spreadsheets to .xls and use the online Excel at Skydrive. Works good, but not exactly what I wanted or had pictured.
Is there a way to keep your Outlook Contacts and Calendars in both my contacts/calendars in outlook AND iCloud contacts/calendars folder in outlook? When ever I sync to one it removes the info from the other

If you choose to use iCloud for syncing, it takes your existing calendars and CREATES NEW calendars in iCloud, and those calendars will sync from iOS device to iOS device (and other iCloud-enabled machines). When I set it up, I had been using google calendar. All of my google calendars (and I MEAN EVERY ONE OF THEM, including ones I just subscribed to), became iCloud calendars. It took me a bit to realize that when I added an event in my primary calendars, I was NO LONGER saving them to google, just to iCloud. Since all of my devices are iCloud compatible, I decided that was not a big deal. I eventually deleted the google calendar accounts from my iPad.

I exported my contacts from google contacts and then imported them into the Mac Address book, which then sent them automatically to all of my iOS devices.

I am thinking you are trying to use LOCAL Outlook calendars and sync to iCloud, sounds like its one or the other. But I am NOT using Outlook on my machine, can't stand it; so I have no idea what the solution is. But I thought my experience might be useful anyways, in thinking about it.
If you choose to use iCloud for syncing, it takes your existing calendars and CREATES NEW calendars in iCloud, and those calendars will sync from iOS device to iOS device (and other iCloud-enabled machines). When I set it up, I had been using google calendar. All of my google calendars (and I MEAN EVERY ONE OF THEM, including ones I just subscribed to), became iCloud calendars. It took me a bit to realize that when I added an event in my primary calendars, I was NO LONGER saving them to google, just to iCloud. Since all of my devices are iCloud compatible, I decided that was not a big deal. I eventually deleted the google calendar accounts from my iPad.

I exported my contacts from google contacts and then imported them into the Mac Address book, which then sent them automatically to all of my iOS devices.

I am thinking you are trying to use LOCAL Outlook calendars and sync to iCloud, sounds like its one or the other. But I am NOT using Outlook on my machine, can't stand it; so I have no idea what the solution is. But I thought my experience might be useful anyways, in thinking about it.
That did help. Yes I am trying to keep everything in my local outlook AND in iCloud. But when I sync to one it removes it from the other
That did help. Yes I am trying to keep everything in my local outlook AND in iCloud. But when I sync to one it removes it from the other

Nope, I don't think you can do it. One or the other.

BUT since iCloud calendars EXIST on my mac (and thus are local) its not an issue. Its the same thing as running google calendars in a calendar app. Thus, for me, I use a program called BusyCal. I have four calendars, all linked to my Apple ID (iCloud), I add and delete stuff on the mac, and its pretty instantaneous on the iPhone and iPad. Just like if I was using google calendar. And I can use for a web interface if I need it.
Got the chance to do a restore from the cloud to my new iPad 2 yesterday. My original iPad had light bleed through at the edges of the screen. Took it to our new Apple store, they looked at it, and said yep. You get a replacement. They handed me the new one. Powerd it up, and selected restore from iCloud, selected the most current back up. It was up and running in about 3-5 minutes. Then another 10 minutes to update all my apps. Pretty quick and painless. Had to go in a reenter passwords for mail and such. If you sync to iTunes over WiFi, you still have to connect it to your PC/MAC and select Syc over WiFi. I'm luvin the cloud. Come on iTunes match!!!!!!
Ok, got the new beta running of iTunes Match on my mbp and it is uploading about 80 songs that were not in itunes.

I still think the initial start time when you play music from the cloud could be faster; Spotify does it much faster. BUT I love that Apple TV now supports itunes match. And I am listening to music streaming to it through itunes match.

I'll setup my PC (with its MUCH LARGER library of over 4000 songs) when the mbp finishes. I figure its best to be uploading and syncing to itunes match on one machine at a time.
Just noticed that my iCloud maill box does not show up in the mail app on my iPhone 4, but it does on my ipad. Any ideas?

EDIT: I had to delete, then re add it. All good now.
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the new iTunes Match beta actually worked with my W7 PC and now all 4500 of my songs are "in the cloud." Of course, I'll have to go through this again once the beta ends, but its all there.

AND I am thinking the best part will be to have access to all of my music from Apple TV without having to make sure the PC is on (it usually isn't).

I also like the fact that when I go into the about screen on my iPhone, it says I have 4686 songs.
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