Is there a way to keep your Outlook Contacts and Calendars in both my contacts/calendars in outlook AND iCloud contacts/calendars folder in outlook? When ever I sync to one it removes the info from the other
Is there a way to keep your Outlook Contacts and Calendars in both my contacts/calendars in outlook AND iCloud contacts/calendars folder in outlook? When ever I sync to one it removes the info from the other
That did help. Yes I am trying to keep everything in my local outlook AND in iCloud. But when I sync to one it removes it from the otherIf you choose to use iCloud for syncing, it takes your existing calendars and CREATES NEW calendars in iCloud, and those calendars will sync from iOS device to iOS device (and other iCloud-enabled machines). When I set it up, I had been using google calendar. All of my google calendars (and I MEAN EVERY ONE OF THEM, including ones I just subscribed to), became iCloud calendars. It took me a bit to realize that when I added an event in my primary calendars, I was NO LONGER saving them to google, just to iCloud. Since all of my devices are iCloud compatible, I decided that was not a big deal. I eventually deleted the google calendar accounts from my iPad.
I exported my contacts from google contacts and then imported them into the Mac Address book, which then sent them automatically to all of my iOS devices.
I am thinking you are trying to use LOCAL Outlook calendars and sync to iCloud, sounds like its one or the other. But I am NOT using Outlook on my machine, can't stand it; so I have no idea what the solution is. But I thought my experience might be useful anyways, in thinking about it.
That did help. Yes I am trying to keep everything in my local outlook AND in iCloud. But when I sync to one it removes it from the other
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