That is an aspect that is being totally ignored in this debate. How many possible subs will Dish never gain because of the lack of the AMC channels?Waiting to decide on Switching to Dish on the AMC results.
I wont switch as I must have AMC to watch Walking Dead and there other shows.
I hope they work this out soon/
What's the AMC channel?
I think his post was a sarcastic way of saying just that. It is doubtful that people really don't know what AMC is.This is the most ironic and funny post of the day. Not directed at you allen, but this is an indicator of the channel's overall popularity. Oh, it's really popular with those that watch, but not those that don't. More don't watch than do.
Besides any money lost due to AMC being dropped will be made up some place else.
Not this year it didn't. Nor ratings. Nearly guaranteed to be cancelled.The killing has had near universal praise.
There are a few "cable" channels that provide quality original programming, such as TNT, TBS, FX, and even History, with their newset offering, Hatfields and McCoys, which is supposedly the highest rated cable series ever. Let's not forget HBO, Showtime, and Starz, as well. But, yes, AMC is an important channel, as important as any of the above.Mad Men has won fifteen Emmys and four golden globes. The Walking Deads season two finale was the most watched basic cable showing in history. Breaking Bad has won six Emmys and had two golden globe nominations. The killing has had near universal praise. Regardless of how you feel about a tv provider numbers don't lie. AMC has some of the most watched and critically acclaimed series on television. I work for Dish and enjoy my job, and I also enjoy their service at home, but no matter what AMC is an important channel. What other channel had shows of this caliber? What are all y'all watching Swamp People and cake boss? Amc is a great channel and I wouldn't let my blind love for a company dictate what I thought about a channel.
P.S. some of this dish love is kinda weird. Do you form attachments like this to other companies that provider a service? Would you be up in arms if Roto-Rooter changed their business model?
Exactly. I didn't say AMC was the only channel with good original programming but it is definitely in the top ten. It just kinda baffles me when people come on the forums and say things like nobody watches AMC and that's it's a throwaway channel. I just don't see how anyone could say that. Use google. See how many times the walking dead was trending world wide on twitter. I don't like the Yankees but to say they're a terrible team and no one watches them would be an outright lie. Just because you feel a particular way about something in no way means every other single person shares that exact mindset.
Hey now...don't be dissing Troy! "Shoot'um, hurry up and shoot'um Clint"....What are all y'all watching Swamp People?...
You should read both of the AMC threads. AMC is not a top 10 channel, it is a top 20 channel, 16th or 17th, I believe. It has highly rated programming for 1-2 hrs out of the entire week, the rest of the week is highly edited movies with lots of commercials, that don't rate that well.
This dispute is about many things; price, channel bundling, legal issues etc..
At the right price either on its own or even cheaper bundled with its cohort channels (IFC, WE and Sundance), I am sure the channels will remain or come back should they be removed.
Well done. I hadn't used AMC for movies much other than to tune in for a few minutes at a time, and then DVR'd Talladega Nights. I'm pretty sure entire subplots were edited out. Wow. There are a few good shows and then, as you say, lots of chaff.
It's an interesting spectacle to watch. I mean, sure, it's a good channel, but that doesn't give AMC absolute bargaining power. When the negotiations reach this sort of public state, it's pretty neat stuff. The lawsuit is interesting. The move from 130 to whatever four digit channel, screwing up customer DVRs for the shows, along with the AMC commercials saying Dish is about to dump you, are, from my living room, kinda like the lightning from gods fighting. I wonder how close the poll here, where people like us go to vent, is anything close to representative to the Dish using market at large. I also wonder why losing channels doesn't break the two year commitments folks have -- weren't they promised a certain slate of channels when they signed up? How many can Dish "lose" before that's rendered null?
Actually, 15th and 16th, depending on primetime or 24 hour. But, even at that non-top-ten position, it is more popular than another 85 or so channels that Dish feels are important to keep.You should read both of the AMC threads. AMC is not a top 10 channel, it is a top 20 channel, 16th or 17th, I believe. It has highly rated programming for 1-2 hrs out of the entire week, the rest of the week is highly edited movies with lots of commercials, that don't rate that well.
GaryPen said:Actually, 15th and 16th, depending on primetime or 24 hour. But, even at that non-top-ten position, it is more popular than another 85 or so channels that Dish feels are important to keep.
I don't see any Dish pack called America's Top 10.
I don't see any Dish pack called America's Top 10.
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