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If Dolan is such a great guy... | SatelliteGuys.US

If Dolan is such a great guy...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 11, 2004
Near NYC
I keep hearing about what a great guy Dolan Sr. is. Honestly, it's gotten so ridiculous with all of the love letters to him and all. I just want to ask one thing, if Dolan is such a great guy and cares so much about us subs, why is it he's not saying ANYTHING about the sale?

Now, I realize they have to be careful about what they say because CVC is a public company but they can say SOMETHING. If he cares so much about his subs he should say something.

Just tired of hearing about how great Dolan is. He's not a God. He's not even the best business person in the world. He would impress me more if he sent a letter/email to all of the Voom subs at least saying SOMETHING! Heck, even if it's not saying much at all, something like:

"We understand how confusing these times are for Voom subscribers. We appreciate the words of encouragement many of you have sent us. However, as you know, CVC is a publicly held company. Because of this, we cannot comment on the sale of our satellite. We can, however, comment on the fact we have entered into an agreement to sell the satellite. We can also say we are working to ensure all of our Voom subscribers have as many options available to them as possible.

We thank you for your support and patience in these trying times."

See, didn't say anything but something like this would give us an idea that someone is actually listening. It's just gottten very annoying reading about how great Dolan is. If he's so great, why is he in tisi predicament?

The Rickster
I think if Voom belong to anyone of us, we will do the same. Remember that there are always lawyers and various people in these decisions that would recommend complete silence until there is a final resolution. Sure, I also would like more information, but I know that will not be possible. I worked for one of the big six accounting firms in the country and the policy to any client (big clients by the way) was to never say anything in public until you have explored all your possible options and the lawyers and accountants are in complete in agreement with you.

Not trying to defend anyone here but that is the reality with any company. The statement you just wrote could be interpreted in so many ways and given what we already know could bring more speculations which can create even more bad PR.
I am sure Dolan Sr and others also realize that saying NOTHING also communicates something -- an impression of indecision? or an impression that the movers themselves don't know how this will wash out?

I am sure they know they have to be careful both ways.

GadgetRick, if you are annoyed with Dolan love letters, don't read them. Duh...
Oh, don't worry, I didn't read any of that thread, i'm talking about all of the love letters in the other threads. All of the, "Dolan is awesome," Dolan is a visionary," If it weren't for Dolan we wouldn't have HBO." Honestly, I though the whole thread for the letters to Dolan was a bit over the top but, to each their own.

And, believe me, I understand about needing to be quiet but I'm sure they could come up with something which would allow him to convey his caring about the customers...assuming he does. When speculation is running wild about your service shutting down you need to show somethign to the customers if you plan to keep them around in some way, shape or form. Remember, it's not just the people around here assuming Voom will shut down, it's in the regular press. What's the difference? Well, the general public can read the Wall Street Journal. They may not come to this board though. So he knows we all know. So, if he cares, he should say SOMETHING. Even a generic message would be better than nothing.

The Rickster
GadgetRick said:
I keep hearing about what a great guy Dolan Sr. is. Honestly, it's gotten so ridiculous with all of the love letters to him and all...
Not sure who said that he is a great guy, or where you saw love letters... But since you are probably refering to the thread I have started, I'll have to respond.

Personally, I have no idea whether Chuck Dolan is a good guy or not, I haven't even met the guy. ;) And to tell the truth, I don't care what kind of person he is...

What I do know, however, is that I am enjoying the best HD service in the world, that I am experiencing the future of the Television today, and that I still cannot belive that this is happening to me, and that I would miss VOOM a lot if it were to be shut down. And I know that the main person who made VOOM possible for me is Charles Dolan. And I feel that he deserves my thanks no matter what!

I also know that a hundred or so members of this forum feel the same way and had a reason to write their thank you letters. And if some other forum members don't feel the same way and don't enjoy VOOM as much as we do, that's ok. Just stop judging others for having feelings that you don't have!

As for not making official statements and not sending letters to the customers, as Sean said, this sends us a message too, and gives us hope: the game is not over yet!
Not what I'm talking about

I'm not talking about that thread--I haven't even read it--I'm talking about the other posts in other threads. They aren't really, "We appreciate what Dolan has done," they 're more of a love letter like the guy's a God or something. I've got no problem with people thanking someone for something they are responsible for.

As for not making official statements and not sending letters to the customers, as Sean said, this sends us a message too, and gives us hope: the game is not over yet!

This is, however, the attitude I'm talking about. I'm really not sure how anyone can interrpret the deafening silence as anything but bad. This is exactly why I feel they need to make some type of statement. And YES, they CAN say SOMETHING during this period. They have to be careful but thehy can say SOMETHING. My point of the thread is I don't get the feeling Dolan, or ANYONE at Voom really cares.

Oh, and, let's not make Voom bigger than what it is. It's a company broadcasting TV into our homes. It's not a reveolution. It's not an evolution. It's TV. Sure, when it's working properly, it's the best HD out there. Unfortunately, they could never seem to get things working properly and it's still just TV...

The Rickster
Actually silence is good. Means lot of backroom action. If Dolan didn't care, he wouldn't have taken it this far.
Actually, GadgetRick, reading (or starting to read) your annoying posts on this forum is much more annoying than not hearing from VOOM.

Still watching and enjoying HDTV under rainfadeless rainy Seattle skies, Gill
gadgetrick you have been one of Voom biggest fans nd serpporters sence I have read here and I hoep you see how the Voomers turn n yuo when it seem that they aer going under evrybody at your throat i am glad too see you go back to D* wher they will treat yuo like you aer human nobody needs these crazy coments from silly people and by the way rick i do agree with you with what yuo have sayed and for he last guy if you don't like ricks coments do nott read them duh too you too

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