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If Glentech remapped your 4DTV it may be Compromised ! | SatelliteGuys.US

If Glentech remapped your 4DTV it may be Compromised !

Please reply by conversation.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 14, 2010
Out there somewhere
I have been in contact with the owner of this forum and have to report that due to receiving information here in the past couple weeks that anyone who had their 4DTV receivers worked on by used Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises may have had their receivers compromised!
Your receiver may contain information from other people's 4DTV receivers which can pose potential problems for you down the line.

This post is being broken up into 5 posts so please wait till I have posted all 5 before you decide to ask questions or post your bad experience as the last one I put up will contain some info you will need if you want to pursue further action.

Several Months ago I spoke to the programmer and asked if he could add some special info to our Map Restoration Programs as I had a suspicion we would need it one day to help out those who were taken in by Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises.

Well ATS contacted me the other day and the time has now come to expose the shady, unethical, and even criminal actions that Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises has done to those who sent them their receivers!

See the next post for more details.
# 2

To anyone who has used Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises to install new maps into their 4DTV receivers.
I have received bins he has put into other peoples receivers and found that he is throwing in other peoples bins / info into the receivers he is working on..

Little did Glen realize that those who were working on the program added some info to show the unit id numbers to see what was going on with certain receivers.

An example is this here that came from one that Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises worked on.

RID: Tag 'Area 8c000005' @ offset = 4d28 size 12c data start @ 4d30
Keys (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) 0000
RID 00-12f3-8c4c unk 0000 key (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) (snipped off)
RID 00-12f4-37d9 unk 0000 key (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) (snipped off)
RID 00-12f3-299c unk 0000 key (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) (snipped off)
RID 00-12f3-aaa2 unk 0000 key (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) (snipped off)
addr 0x4e54 area tag 0x94000036 length 0x2c

The first RID is the original receiver id number all but the last 2 digits.
The next 3 are different bins he threw into the receiver from other bins he had to try changing the DST time on the receiver and they do not belong in the receiver he was working on.

Many people asked why the Map Restoration people asked for their receiver unit id number when they were sending them to the real Map Restoration people. It was to see and make sure that their unit id was in their receiver and not someone else's keys added to it by sloppy lazy an inept people that touted they could do so much but in reality they have no clue as to the real workings of these receivers.

The above RID info should have read only this if it was done correctly:
RID: Tag 'Area 8c000005' @ offset = 4d28 size 12c data start @ 4d30
Keys (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) 0000
RID 00-12f3-8c4c unk 0000 key (snipped off) (snipped off) 00000000 (snipped off) (snipped off) (snipped off)
So to the person who sent ATS their 922 receiver they had maps put in by
Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises with their unit id of
00-12f3-8c4c )(last 2 digits are taken off here) your receiver was compromised without your knowledge!
All the key info was snipped off here for good reason.

If anyone had a receiver remapped by Glentech they could have a ticking time bomb on their hands if they want to sub to programming.

Two of those receiver RID's will be turned off and this could affect anyone who had the info from them put into their receivers by Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises.
If you paid big buck to get your maps done by Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises then you were duped and sadly you were taken for a ride that can end up with nothing to show for.

See the next post for more details
# 3

However, there is some hope…. If you can pull out your own bin the Map Restoration Team will fix it so your RID info is the only one in the receiver like it should be.
Or you can send your receiver to ATS Electronics to have it redone properly.
ATS Electronics does have the program to restore your RID info properly as well as the Map Restoration Team there is a special process to do this as we had a sneaking suspicion this was going on with some of the claims that crook was spouting off to others about.

When the Map Masters Team was working on things in the beginning this information was not available but everyone knew better then to put someone else's information into another receiver and possibly causing problems down the road.
Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises out of Chicago knew this as well and yet he does not care what he does to someone else as long as he can make a dollar bill. Sadly he has misled and done things that should not be happening and he knew better.
Do not be deceived by the mistruths he is spouting off.
The Time zone fix he says he has is by putting other people's receiver info into the one he has on his bench. The evidence is in the RID info posted above that should only show 1 line not 4 lines of different RID information.

This information is not in the older Map Master Program Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises was using when he decided he did not want people doing the maps themselves but instead wanted to charge large sums of money for something that can be done quite easily by the people themselves in their own home.

If you think you have been a victim of deception them you will need to contact the Map Restoration people or ATS Electronics to have it properly fixed up.
ATS may charge you for this.
The Map Restoration team can do it for you if you can take out the bin/nvram and send that to them they can fix it up and resend it back to you so you can upload back into your receiver and there is no charge for that from the Map Restoration Team as we do not want innocent people hurt by the criminal actions of one person from Chicago.

I have sent ATS Electronics the instruction on how to repair these compromised receivers and it takes some time to do so and expect a charge for this service from them.

See the next post for more details…
# 4

Glen was emailed about these actions and about reports of him stealing people's receivers and not giving them back to the rightful owner of those receivers and yet he persists in thinking he has done nothing wrong nor even apologized for his criminal acts he has done.
Anything in the name of the almighty dollar which is his king matters to him, nothing more and he does not care about anyone he may hurt along the way to get to that dollar bill.

As soon as you try backing him into a corner he will then go off on a tangent about being sick and having health issues.
Well for anyone who does these types of actions then those health issues are nothing more than the outcome of his thieving, lying practices.
If he has such bad health issues do you really want him to have your receivers sitting there when he finally leaves this planet? You will never get them back!

There are many decent people in this hobby who actually go out of their way to help others not hinder them and sadly Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises is NOT one of them!

If reading this is harsh well sometimes the truth is hard to take and many here who have these receivers know how much we do and go out of our way to help them and it is done gladly and I hate to see others getting ripped off.

The owner of this forum has been kept abreast of all this going on and the responses received from Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises so that they know none of what is being written here is out of line nor untrue.

One person called me just a few days ago and told me they never received their 905 receiver back from Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises and that they actually have an email where Glen Musielak said he was taking it I believe the words were "confiscating it" which is the same as STEALING!
If that person ( who is a member of this forum) wishes to let others know then I leave it up to them to post what happened to them.

When I saw my receiver's information he put into unsuspecting people's receivers since he was too lazy to make his own set of maps his response was that he is no longer doing that and now has his own. Well since his word is totally worthless already how can anyone believe him now? That action of Glen Musielak putting in my 4dtv receiver's information that is part of my receiver is not only unethical but criminal as it is theft by deception since he has no legal right to do that. He had that info from when he replaced batteries for me before he began doing it as his money maker.
If he has done this to me then what is he doing with your receiver information and that information contains your keys that turn on your receiver or shuts it off.

Since my information was put into other receivers what is going to happen to those who used his services that he put my keys into when I have them turned off?

Never once has he apologized, never once has he said he was sorry, no, he said if someone did not get their receiver back send him their name address RA number unit id number and that he may need additional information to "Further investigate" this claim.
Now is that a piece of work or what? He works out of his parent's old house so it is not like he has a large place nor do I believe for one moment he does not know he stole receivers from people.

Do you want to be the next VICTIM of Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises ?
Then if you do by all means send him your receivers and get ripped off !

If you suspect you have been a victim of Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises with this then you need to send the Programmer of the Map Restoration Team or Myself the nvram from your receiver so we can see and make sure it was not compromised.
If it was compromised we can tell very easily with our program here and try righting the wrong that was done to you.

See the next post for more details….
# 5

Someone who had Glen Musielak work on their receiver had a 922 with a unit id beginning with:
The last 2 digits are not posted here
Your receiver info including your 922 unit keys was also used and put into other people's receivers without your knowledge.

Now for anyone who was a victim of Glen Musielak of Glentech Enterprises
You can do the following.

Have all your information printed out in front of you and ready….
Including email from him or any correspondence. Including any of his RA numbers that he assigned to you etc…

1) File an IC3 complaint online here:
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

2) You should contact Your local police department or State Police and make a complaint with them.

3) Contact Chicago City Hall and check to see if he is really allowed to run a business there………
Chicago City Hall (if you want to check to see if he has a valid business license to run his business out of his home and if he does not to file a complaint with them on this also.)
City Hall
121 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
By Phone:
Dial 311 (within Chicago)
If calling from outside of Chicago, call: 312.744.5000

4) Contact the BBB and file an online complaint
Better Business online complaint:

Here are additional phone numbers after you have done the above and your local police may need it as well to make their job easier.

State Police in IL.
Telephone: (630) 241-6800

Chicago City Police
8th District which is where he resides and runs the business from:
312- 747-8224
I was treated like an idiot when I called & tried to ask a few questions about a year ago. Then I was told I probably soldered my battery in wrong because dumb people like me don't know how to solder properly. He guaranteed my receiver would leak acid and die within the next couple of months. He assured me that he is the only guy with the intelligence to remap these receivers.
I've already filed my complaint but nothing has yet been done. Maybe more complaints will be better.
I never did send my receiver. I figured when my 922 dies, I would crush it with my dozer, over and over, pour epoxy resin over the mutilated parts, then send it to him along with a recording of my dozer crushing it while in the background, a Direct TV Satellite dish would be sitting, with a spotlight shining down on it, creating a halo like effect.

Gentlemen: With all due respect; Particularly 'stargaze'...just a second...had to blow away another 52 tracking cookies since entering this any rate; Again. With all due respect; especially to 'Stargaze'....As Glen very well knows, I am sorta neutral in this 'mess', as I would personally refer to it. 'Stargaze'... If I am not totally mistaken....and I just might have made a number of accusations against Glen....You refer to sources un-named, unless I miss-read something, somewhere. That is very possible, because I am old, and also tired tonight! does that happen? Another 24 tracking cookies to remove....hang on a any rate, would it be possible for you to name your sources? Oh...that hexadecimal stuff....I remember that umpteen years ago #probably before you were born#....when I was programming. Like I say; I am sorta neutral in this mess....however; I have never once had a bad experience with Glen. I have referred to myself as 'dumb and stupid' on the other forum, and I shall do so here. I ask the dumbest of questions, and have received with full dignity either on phone or internet; the utmost of respect. ...I do not know exactly what is going on...just blew away another 24 tracking any rate: I certainly hope you can legally back up your statements. ...this is ridiculous....another 15 tracker cookies to remove! Jeemeeny christmas.....just removed another 12 tracking cookies....Again: at any rate; back up your statements a little bit more please. I have only been in this hobby for about 25 years or more, and appreciate truth being told. Oh...and accusations being backed up...oh of the 5 drives just went to sleep! I thank you for your patience in reading this message. Please do not hestate to reply. Again; with all due respect, very anxiously awaiting your reply to this message sir. Glenn....crap...have to remove 21 tracking cookies now....the programs Adaware, and Spybot are really kinda handy...bye bye!
What a strange post you make.
Beings it is your first one brings suspicion to it.
As for proof, indeed I do have it here.
The different receiver bins that instead of remapping he threw in other peoples bins/receiver information which should NEVER be done. So far I have 3 of them here from 3 different receivers he charged people to remap their receivers.
The information is in the second post.
For the 905 receiver he kept that was from a gentleman in Florida who contacted me with this info and if they want to come forward publicly, then that is up to them.

I have no problem with glen running a legitimate business as long as it is done honestly and ethically and does not use my person receivers information which sadly he has done and he was contacted first before my posting and did admit to using my information by throwing my bins he had no legal right to do so into other peoples receivers.
As to those posts, I have them here as well as does the owner of this forum and the programmer who were kept in the loop on all the conversations going on by including them in all the conversations.

Keeping quiet about this would be a disservice to anyone who may have had their receivers compromised by him.

Since he does not have access to the newer program written after he parted ways with the map restoration group he can not see the information using his older map program. What was posted/copied directly from the program first created in late April to show this information so that the receivers integrity could be maintained by showing the tracking of what is done to the receivers and this was installed by GI at the very beginning.

If He would have apologized and tried to right the wrongs done then this post would never had to have been made. However since it is very apparent he can not be trusted by his own actions taken this left no other alternative then to go public to inform anyone who used his service that their receivers may have been compromised.
Interesting about the previous post,that it as someone going through a UU.NET proxy... but we have proxy to real ip tracking and the ip apparently came back to someone in Chicago.

Do we know anyone in Chicago? :D
Gentlemen: With all due respect; Particularly 'stargaze' As Glen very well knows, I am sorta neutral in this 'mess', as I would personally refer to it.

A lot of garbage removed from your post.

You may well be neutral but to me you look like your defending him.

'Stargaze'... If I am not totally mistaken....and I just might have made a number of accusations against Glen....You refer to sources un-named, unless I miss-read something, somewhere. at any rate, would it be possible for you to name your sources?

I can't back up the wrong unit information or other things. However, I can back up that he has misrepresented his intentions and scammed people. The next time you communicate with him ask where the donations to the MM project went. Then ask Stargaze how much the MM project received. And please do not give me he hosted the web site because I donated to his web site and the MM project.

Like I say; I am sorta neutral in this mess....however; I have never once had a bad experience with Glen. I certainly hope you can legally back up your statements. Again: at any rate; back up your statements a little bit more please. I have only been in this hobby for about 25 years or more, and appreciate truth being told. Oh...and accusations being backed up! I thank you for your patience in reading this message. Please do not hestate to reply. Again; with all due respect, very anxiously awaiting your reply to this message sir.

With all due respect, You need to do some research. Scammers treat people very respectful until they have what they want. And will continue to do so if they (the scammers) feel they can get more out of the mark - victim or what ever you want to call you, me and others.
Interesting about the previous post,that it as someone going through a UU.NET proxy... but we have proxy to real ip tracking and the ip apparently came back to someone in Chicago.

Do we know anyone in Chicago? :D

I got a good guess :)
And please do not give me he hosted the web site because I donated to his web site and the MM project.
I don't believe it is costing him anything to run his website. He is piggybacking his site on one of his clients webservers.

The website itself is owned by Bob Kalal of The Music Workshop who according to his website can be reached at (708)652-4040. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Kalal didn't even know Glen was piggybacking off of his website.

I am just wondering (thinking out loud) if Mr. Kalal can be held liable for the fraud that Glen has been accused of by others since he is conducting all his activity using his musicworkshopchicago domain name? I wonder if Mr. Kalal even knows all of this is going on? My guess is no.
Interesting about the previous post,that it as someone going through a UU.NET proxy... but we have proxy to real ip tracking and the ip apparently came back to someone in Chicago.

Do we know anyone in Chicago? :D

Now would glen out of Chicago, stoop to this type of deception to make a post here at satellite guys?

Now to anyone who had their receivers in Chicago to have their receivers remapped there is a way to restore your receivers information but Glen can not do it with the old program he is using. Nor is that being given out to the public at this time for reasons most will understand. You will need to email the map restoration team (either the programmer or myself) to first check to see if he compromised your receiver then if so we can fix it and return your info back to you cleaned up and restored. This can be done without shipping your receiver as you only need to be able to pull out that nvram/bin file and send that file only.

If things were done properly and on the up and up then none of this conversation would be taking place right now.
If I did not care what happened to others I could have kept quiet.

Several people on this forum who restored their own maps contacted me and even spoke over the phone when they were not totally certain when doing their mappings. ALL of them would also say one thing, none were ever charged for this and all of them had their maps restored properly.

As to anyone who "donated" to the map master project through Glentech web site none of that ever went to the project and the web site he is running is not his own but run through the back door of one of his web clients and glen pays not one penny towards that web site service. Glen told me on the phone one time he used all those donations for himself as he had no money and needed food to eat. So even that was a scam to people who thought they were giving to a worthy cause.

Wonder what the owner of the music world would say if he knew of the shady practices glen does and how it make the music world look bad as well since it is on their web service that web site is run.
Maybe people should start emailing the owner of the Music World and start letting them know.
I hate to say but it's factual.

I have been in the satellite TVRO hobby (off and on since 1989 and some of the biggest scammers I have delft with, know of or have been scammed by were in the TVRO community.

Anyone remember Satellite City and Gary Cubeta "King Viper" and "Super ice"
Now would glen out of Chicago, stoop to this type of deception to make a post here at satellite guys?
This person (IC-323) lives in the northwest.

He is not Glen (tvropro).

I'm neither taking sides, nor trying to stir anything up, but this person bought a receiver from me, and I did not ship it to Chicago.
# 5

Someone who had Glen Musielak work on their receiver had a 922 with a unit id beginning with:
The last 2 digits are not posted here
Your receiver info including your 922 unit keys was also used and put into other people's receivers without your knowledge.

Just trying to understand what motivation would Glen have to do this?
Also, just want to confirm if his procedure actually changes the receiver's Unit ID shown in diagnostics or if it's just an internal log showing the firmware originally came from another receiver.

What purpose does the Unit ID number actually have as only the Receiver number is required to subscribe to HITS TV.


To those who were taken in and deceived by Glentech, 4DTVOnline, (AKA)
GlenTech Enterprises (AKA) GlenTech Inc. (AKA) 4DTV Online By TvroPro
I suggest they contact their local police department and also file an IC3 complaint which will also be forwarded to your police department as well to stop this type of criminal activity.
The different names he goes by and do not believe for one moment he is incorporated as that is just another one of his misguided attempts to think he is something he is not.
Satellite City and Gary Cubeta "King Viper" and "Super ice" pale in comparison to what this piece of work has done to many 4DTV owners.

To anyone who sent him a receiver before this was posted I feel sorry for them as they did not know. But, to anyone still sending him a receiver after this was made public then if they have a problem it is all on them and they get what they deserve since they should have known better.

The person whose 905 receiver was stolen by TvroPro, (AKA)
GlenTech Enterprises (AKA) 4DTVOnline has a criminal complaint filed and there are many others out there whose receivers were compromised by TvroPro by him placing other receivers info in them which only shows his lack of integrity and judgment when it comes to everyone else out there and once more that was done by theft & deception as the original receivers info he had put in others receivers he had no legal right to place into others receivers and that was done without the knowledge nor consent of the original receivers owner.

Why anyone would send him their 4dtv receivers when ATS Electronics can do a much better job and the reputation of ATS Electronics is impeccable. Add to that they do not gouge people like TvroPro has been gouging people to do this for them.
To those who were taken in and deceived by Glentech, 4DTVOnline, (AKA)
GlenTech Enterprises (AKA) GlenTech Inc. (AKA) 4DTV Online By TvroPro
I suggest they contact their local police department and also file an IC3 complaint which will also be forwarded to your police department as well to stop this type of criminal activity.

Not that I don't believe you but what do you consider as criminal activity?

I don't think that putting firmware from an other receiver like you claim he's doing can be considered as criminal activity under the law. The only thing the police might act upon is if he fails to return that 905 receiver as that is physical property from another individual.


Please reply by conversation.

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