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If you don't like what VOOM provides, why are you still whinning about it? | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

If you don't like what VOOM provides, why are you still whinning about it?

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Seems to me that most of the complaining lately are about the complainers. I guess we all like to complain about something.

I am glad that Voom finally fixed the micro-stutter with the last software update. I do believe that it was fixed because enough of us complained about it. The same with local channel scanning; no complaining, no fixing.
I subscribe to Voom (since March) and I subscribe to D* (since 1995 and HD since 2003). I am able to compare and do compare the two.
Looking at how they do business, I observed that when D* started out, they knew how upset MANY where with how cable monopolies were running their business. I believe that is why you see policies like self-install, resale value for the STB, lower pricing etc. If things continue like they are now, I suspect we will see how a business will fare in a competitive environment using monopoly type business decisions.

I've had voom for a week. On the excluive channels, i have enjoyed A couple of good concerts (John Hiatt and Counting Crows), several great movies (original Solaris, Evil dead, Little Princess, Gumball Rally), my kids looooovvveeee TANK on Moov, I saw the TYson fight for free, I saw several specials on Discovery I enjoyed, and, I get all my locals for free and even when they are not in HD they look better thatn the cable feed. Sure my experience with the installation was horrible, but now I love it, and I got a free month, and $45 credit for my trouble. Voom rules at my house. Except for the bug when switching from a bad ota channel back to satellite channels (picture breakup), which a temporary fix was discovered on this site. It's not that bad.
Thank you Sean...

Sean is exactly correct in this thread. Everyone ALWAYS compares ALL Voom HD to HDNet and INHD. I'm not hearing people saying, "Well, ESPNHD looks way better on DTV than on Voom." It's just people complaining for the sake of complaining.

As far as this whole, "Voom shouldn't claim they have the best pq," argument. Let's get real. As has been pointed out DTV ALWAYS talks about how great their, "digital," system looks. Talk about pure BS. Their SD is HORRIBLE on any tv bigger than, what, 27"??? Let's just get off that. Anyway, how does one crown someone as having the, "best," pq? It's all subjective. What I hate you may love or vice versa. Just get off that, it's boring.

And I love everyone complaining about how Voom doesn't keep us updated, yadda yadda yadda. Ok, when's the last time DTV or Dish told you they were going to do something...ANYTHING!!?? At least Voom is telling us things are going to happen. Sure, I'd love an update on the bigger dishes or the pvr or whatever but Voom has delivered on everything they've promised even if they were a little late doing so. So just stop crying about this. It's ok to ask for updates but the, "If Voom doesn't update me on the bigger dish by Friday I'm canceling," posts are just plain annoying. As are the, "Voom sucks because of this so I'm leaving," posts. Just leave and shut up about it already!

Is Voom perfect? Heck no! But do I expect them to be perfect? Of course not. Nobody is ever going to be perfect in this business. Too many variables. So let's be more constructive and less destructive. It's annoying, boring and tiring...

The Rickster
This thread when it started has not mentioned any names at all. Here's what it is going to be done about this and I received good recommendations from people privately.

If you want to complaint about anything, it is fine. That I cannot censored but it will be done on a thread addressed to complaints. If the complaint is out of topic and has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it will be deleted at moderator discretion. We will not allow anyone to hickjack threads anymore. It has become very intolerant to see this anymore.

If we see too many threads created with the same discussion, all these threads or post will be merged under one topic.

If your post or thread is not valid and there is no other thread where it belongs, it will be sent to the chit chat club forum without warning.

Any of the changes above will happen without warning in any forum. We will also delete any comments that is not related to the thread without warning.

These changes were made because we want to come here and read about uself Voom information.

All topics or subjects from now has to be very specific about the thread so that there is no ambiguity. We will be changing threads title if we feel that it does not reflect the discussion.

I hope these changes make sense but as of now I see it as the only way to take control of the situation. I am not singling out anybody here as these changes can affect any post at anytime.

Thank you all for your cooperation. I will leave this thread open until tonight.
I :clap these changes to the VOOM Forum! Those :river who contribute nothing to this forum, :shh VooM, create :mad: posts and hijack threads because of their :dev agendas can collectively take a hike! :bounce

As expected, I am sure these naysayers will think to themselves :what the heck and !protest these changes with vigor. Well, I'm sure most of us will :love these rules and throw a @party to celebrate the :wave of these :dev people.

:up :up
Why the hell don't we just start a thread that says "Sean and Voom Don't Like Our Complaint's", no we can't do that because we don't have free speech here. The ones who have gripes with Voom have not been offensive to others, have not used language that is offensive (unless you count telling the truth about the mess Voom is in) or even been mean sprited.

You tell us we are chasing Voom people away? Give me a flipping break, they should be taking notes and talking with Voom's upper managment. Go ahead and censor us Sean. You will take away an oulet that ChetK, Vurbano, myself and many others have here.

If we really believe that we then have NO voice in which to affect change at Voom then we mostly likely- like so many others become churn and you'll end up with the "Voom has 5K subs forum". Then you and the ones who will remain, can say only happy things about Voom (as you insist) and can hold hands and sing kumbayah.

It smells like 1941 to me!
TechCop said:
thread about people constantly whining has been bombarded by whining about bandwidth and voom's advertising practices. HELLO! IS ANYBODY IN THERE?! We don't care if you think you are doing a public service - we are tired of hearing it!

Gosh I didn't know were were back in Germany 1939 or still in the middle of the cold war?

Then they bitched when it came because it didn't have all the features they wanted. Voom announced the free viewing of the Tyson fight, and they bitched that the quality needed boosting (before they saw it). Voom delivered it in AWESOME HD PQ - \\

I agree that the Tyson fight was awesome, thanks to positive suggestion before the fight by ChetK. Perphaps VOOM would have done that anyway, but they listened and it was a positive suggestion.... not a bitch.
Seawaves said:
Why the hell don't we just start a thread that says "Sean and Voom Don't Like Our Complaint's", no we can't do that because we don't have free speech here. The ones who have gripes with Voom have not been offensive to others, have not used language that is offensive (unless you count telling the truth about the mess Voom is in) or even been mean sprited.

You tell us we are chasing Voom people away? Give me a flipping break, they should be taking notes and talking with Voom's upper managment. Go ahead and censor us Sean. You will take away an oulet that ChetK, Vurbano, myself and many others have here.

If we really believe that we then have NO voice in which to affect change at Voom then we mostly likely- like so many others become churn and you'll end up with the "Voom has 5K subs forum". Then you and the ones who will remain, can say only happy things about Voom (as you insist) and can hold hands and sing kumbayah.

It smells like 1941 to me!

You, of course, are taking this way out of proportion. You may scream, you may yell, you may do whatever you wish as long as you do it within a thread that specifically says so. You can start your own thread and say "All Seawaves complaints" and we will not touch it. So please don't try to spin it any other way. I will not tolerate you or anyone repeating the same nonsense all over the forum. You can go to any moderated forum on the internet and you will see that this is the standard. Live with it or don't post.
gutter said:
Gosh I didn't know were were back in Germany 1939 or still in the middle of the cold war?

I agree that the Tyson fight was awesome, thanks to positive suggestion before the fight by ChetK. Perphaps VOOM would have done that anyway, but they listened and it was a positive suggestion.... not a bitch.

As much as I appreciate ChetK's initiative about the tyson vs william boxing fight and the bumping up the resolution, let me just say that before this fight VOOM had televised two other fights and VOOMers who had been with VOOM for those two previous fights can testify that there was never a problem with those either. It is not like this was something new to them. Those fights were also awesome.
Hey Sean...
From the 90% of us who watch and love VOOM and RARELY post, go ahead and take control here, and ignore all the BS. Right On!
Hi Sean Mota and everyone else,

Like I have said before, I love VOOM. It compliments my new Panasonic 53" HDTV very well. With that, there are also a lot of frustrations myself I have gone through with them. Some of which are CSR issues some of which are providing me service issues. Now it is kind of stupid for me to cancel my service because of a few issues I had with CSR's. That just doesnt make sense to me. So I have come to this "VOOM" forum, if it is offical or not, it is still a supportive forum for VOOM. I come here to vent my frustration when I get to those points where im just dumb founded or I feel I have no other place to turn to. When I do post, usually I try to post constructivley. Every once in a while I will let that slip and I will make some sarcastic comments. But in the end, I still love VOOM and thus why I continue to pay $100 a month for 1 box.

Where do you propose (SP?) I should go with my venting/complaints when they are legit complaints/issues etc?

I have also posted some of my issues here to make other people aware in case they run into the same issues as well.

This seems to be a pretty intelligent community here on these forums. I think as long as we keep it constructive more so then bashing, we should be able to post the good along with the bad. What is the point of having a forum for VOOM where people can only post positive things? That doesnt make sense.

My 2 cents to your question,
Sean is not telling people not to post issues or negative feelings. He's telling them to start a thread about it and keep the discussions about said topic on that thread. In so doing, you can vent/ask your question without hijacking someone else's posting. There are those here that continually grind their proverbial axe in any and all topics. Sean (and pretty much 90% of the rest of us) would like to see complaints constrained to their appropriate and individual threads.
Sean / All:

I've been a member of this forum since late 2003. In the beginning it was an extremely helpful place with a lot of compassion for other members and a lot of passion for getting technical information to new and potential subscribers. In the past several months the inundation of whiners has been almost intolerable. There are still some very helpful informative posts but one is now forced to wade through the mindless drivel and opinionated bloviating that isn't helpful, scares away potential and current customers and devalues this forum.

Nonetheless, constructive criticism and insight is vital. However, it takes but a few messages to get a bead on the issue so that VOOM can resolve it. Also, this is a private forum. Freedom of speech does not apply here. I applaud any effort by the forum moderators to delete or edit any posts that don't comply with their standards. I applaud any effort that separates the wheat from the chaff, separates the prosaic maize-laden diarrhea from the kernels of truth.:p
I loved Voom when I got it, still love the PQ and all that.

But to turn a blind eye to their moronic support staff, 3rd grade math billing department, and continuing to promise when they do not have the technical know how to fix the problems they have today then if no one complains, no one will fix it.

Voom has ignored my problem, IGNORED, no other way to put it. So whenever I get the chance, I'll remind them, and everyone else, that they are doing it.

I won't do it by hijacking a thread, but if the content is along those lines then I have no problem repeating my story.

As far as scaring away potential customers, GOOD...see thats what companies understand, revenue, and thats it. If they see all this bad stuff being posted and think people will not sign up, then they know they have to fix it, otherwise why make the effort?

Either that or contact the moderator of the forum and ask him/her to tone down the comments of the dissatisfied.
subdude212 said:
Sean / All:

I applaud any effort by the forum moderators to delete or edit any posts that don't comply with their standards. I applaud any effort that separates the wheat from the chaff, separates the prosaic maize-laden diarrhea from the kernels of truth.:p

That is very hard to do and will be harder as VOOM grows. More subscribers will mean more differences of opinion and other problems. I personally have no problem with the programing as it is. I like the movie channels because it does show movies that have not been on regular TV for a very long time.

But PQ is a technical issue and deserves to be debated. Debate is healthy and you are going to get extremes on both sides. I dont' believe that Sean is trying to stifle debate and vibrant discussion. For me, when debate turns to personal insult that is the only time the line shoudl be drawn and the post deleted.

A forum tht just says nice things and alwasy happy and "gay" is a bore and doesn't help nor does it give VOOM any real feedback.

I do opinion polls for a living and I have to laugh how some of the questions are written with a bias to once side or the other, but that's ok. Just as long as everyone knows it.

Yes...VOOM will grow and the debate will get stronger as it grows and the competition reacts. We can help VOOM prepare by providing debate. I think they have staff smart enough to recognize the just bitching from constructive comment.

VOOM does have to deliver what they say they do.

They say:

OAR aspect ratio---No they don't. but they may not be able to control what is delivered to them. But they should not make the claim

Mirror like crisp picture---way overstated. Good pq quality but nothing to rival OTA. More of a problem to not just compression but the Motorola box.

Pricing--Very good even if it is incraesed in fhe future. More HD or HD like channels than anyone else. It satisfies my habit.
90 % love Voom, 10 % hate it. Strange I heard their churn rate was higher.

They don't even put their phone number on the bill.

My last post, 100 % negative. yeah baby.
How about starting a VOOM forum (like the local area one) for Problem Reports and other Issues with VOOM.

People can post there and perhaps even make it the most popular forum for all I care.

What I am tired of is people hijacking EVERY post about ANY topic and turning it into a complaint festival.

I have a ton of issues with VOOM myself but am sticking with it so far. However you don't see me posting about problems I may be having in the discussions about VOOM in Alaska (just an example).

Perhaps a dedicated forum will keep compalints concentrated there and on topic instead of detracting from all other discussions.
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Should Voom get rid of or replace the following channels?

Bad Press (where all of anger at Voom is coming from?)

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