Does it have to be a Pansat? ADL or Chaparral do for you?
This may not sound logical but replace the 22khz in the C/Ku LNBF with an external one and try again. Or don't hook up the switch in there and try again.
So, there IS something going on with the wiring, or the 22khz switch setup in the nosecone that kills the switch tones. I'll sort it out tomorrow.
Thinking out loud:
Are your 22kHz switches Power-through and Diseqc-through on all ports, like the Ecoda switches?
Or do they also switch Power (and diseqc)?
Maybe that could be of influence.
Anybody have any idea why pressing the INFO button on the MicroHD remote, will no longer bring up the INFO screen? It brings up the initial screen with the channel name, sat name, time, and what looks like a dvr time bar, but a second press does NOT bring up the Signal/Details screen anymore. Real odd, as it was working before I hooked up this additional BUD.
The yellow SIGNAL Satellite Meter button at the top still works fine... Not sure what's up with this now...
The last firmware that's loaded on this, is dated 2013-6-26, which I believe was the "fixed" one so you could get Metv, Heroes, and Decades, as they were so close in frequency or something like that. Was there ever anything newer than that put out? Dare I reload this same firmware over the top, and do a factory reset?
When I put up my first C-Band dish it blew hard for a week straight. Record winds and my dish was unusable the whole time. I know how you feel. I was sure I was getting a dose of Instant Karma.I wonder if my installing this dish caused them? LOL!
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