Well, I was a susbscriber pretty early on last year but had to drop VOOM because of no FOOD or LIFETIME channels for my wife. I was having to keep the cable service on for these and while I loved my VOOM, I couldn't justify 2 bills to watch the DLP. And if she ain't happy, I ain't happy.
Well, the VOOM programming is up to snuff now, IMO. GOODBYE COMCAST, thank you for the years of overcharged service from your Monopoly.
I've been keeping abreast of the trials and tribualtions lately and I thought to myself that this is a good time for ME to stand up for VOOM. I really want to see this thing succeed and although I'm only one returning subscriber, maybe others will join suit. We only need a few million more...
I'm scheduled for re-install on the 25th, can't wait.
Well, the VOOM programming is up to snuff now, IMO. GOODBYE COMCAST, thank you for the years of overcharged service from your Monopoly.
I've been keeping abreast of the trials and tribualtions lately and I thought to myself that this is a good time for ME to stand up for VOOM. I really want to see this thing succeed and although I'm only one returning subscriber, maybe others will join suit. We only need a few million more...
I'm scheduled for re-install on the 25th, can't wait.