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In the process of installing 30' tv antenna tower | Page 4 | SatelliteGuys.US

In the process of installing 30' tv antenna tower

I cut down a 30' tall trash maple tree 50 feet away and directly in the path of my antennas the other day, and it seems to have helped tremendously to clear up a lot of my multipath issues. It had grown 7 trunks up and out of an old stump the previous owners had left when they cut down the original tree. Just the tops waving around in our average constant winds was enough to cause bad multipath.

I thought it would help, but quite honestly, I didn't think it would help that much. Quite surprising, because it basically was a bunch of tops waving around a little, but not really what you;d think would be of the majority of signal path "wave".

Tree guys were cutting down a few neighbors oak trees when I came home from a bike ride. Told them I had $50 CASH, and it was almost lunch time, would they please consider cutting down that tree. I'd do the clean up. They agreed. It was well worth it!

If you look closely at this photo, you'll see I circled the tree I had them cut down in Red marker, left lower corner. The tops were right in the direct path of the "wave" of most of my incoming signals:


On this photo, I Raised the Dat Boss LR up the final foot or so to the very top of the well pipe mast, which is about 31~ foot level. Gained 2dB overall. Well worth it.

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Did this install on Tuesday 10/3/23. Replaced the Ellipse at the top of the tower mast with another DatBoss Mix LR pointed at Cadillac, and replaced the AC Y10-7-13 with a UHF only DatBoss LR pointed wrong right now, (due to massive Tropo the day I installed it, so needs tweaking on the next normal day) in hopes of maybe sometimes picking up WUWB-LD rf20 up in West Branch. Fat chance due to trees, but I have mast space and the antenna, so can't hurt to try. Needs to be rotated counterclockwise a bit more towards the North.

The lower DatBoss Mix LR, is pointed basically at WBSF rf23 ATSC 3.0 lighthouse / the middle of the Flint-Saginaw-Midland "arc" for me.

All run into a SmartKom.

I wish I could talk my wife into allowing me to put up one of those. We have access to two markets, but to pick up the ABC station from the one I really want I need to be at a minimum of 22' on that antenna per rabbitears because of obstructions along the way. With the roof line and shape of our house I haven't found a way to make that happen yet without it sticking out like a sore thumb.
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I wish I could talk my wife into allowing me to put up one of those. We have access to two markets, but to pick up the ABC station from the one I really want I need to be at a minimum of 22' on that antenna per rabbitears because of obstructions along the way. With the roof line and shape of our house I haven't found a way to make that happen yet without it sticking out like a sore thumb.
How tall is your roof to start with? A 10' section of chainlink fence "Top Rail" stuck into a Dish Network or Directv old satellite foot, can get you up another 10' above the roof.
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