I might leave and pay etf if they keep dropping channels. As much as I hate the weather channel they are broadcasting from the super bowl this weekend. Weather nation has hardly anything about super bowl.
[ like the inspiration channel if d don't add sec channel I be moving on.
I might leave and pay etf if they keep dropping channels. As much as I hate the weather channel they are broadcasting from the super bowl this weekend. Weather nation has hardly anything about super bowl.
I agree with you somewhat. I happen to like this channel, and although I don't want to switch providers, I will miss it at least a little. (I'm a conservative Christian and all that.) I do think that maybe they don't charge providers is because it's a family-oriented channel. Is it gone permanently or are they in negotiations?
[ like the inspiration channel if d don't add sec channel I be moving on.
Larry , I have been with Directv since 2007 and I have never known them to drop a major channel. If they do drop the Inspiration channel permanently , they will add a channel in its place I am sure.
I hear you. I watched for years as Directv added channels while cable and Dish didn't. Since joining Directv, we briefly lost Viacom shortly thereafter, didn't get Pac12 (while DISH did, which is mind boggling), lost The Weather Channel (major channel, although less major than it used to be), and now Inspiration (which shows the Waltons). I was lucky enough to join as all the "cable" HD was added, which is good, but it's just been disappointing to join and have all this happen.
If Inspiration Channel dropped Directv then why does it state on their page that they want to be on Directv and to call the number to request to be kept on Directv? That does not sound like a company that wanted to be taken off of Directv.
you are not drinking the d* koolaidIf Inspiration Channel dropped Directv then why does it state on their page that they want to be on Directv and to call the number to request to be kept on Directv? That does not sound like a company that wanted to be taken off of Directv.
didn't dish network use the EXACT same tactic when they had a very similar dispute with INSP?directv has put Up! on 364 now. Still is on 338 too
you are not drinking the d* koolaid
says the guy who doesnt even have Directv
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