no they are identical. The monoblock (the little black piece that goes on the end of the dish and the LNB's slide into) do have labeling LNB 1 & LNB2 but that is only for setting up on the receiver so you know which LNB is where.1. Are the 2 LNBFs identical, or is there one marked as LNBF 1 and the other as LNBF 2?
that is about normal. Depends on the receiver too. My Pansat 1500 will show the signal fluxuating all the time. If I watch the meter, it may go from 60 to 44 to 62 to 55 to 63 you get the picture.2. On all channels, the signal quality readings fluctuate over a range of about 10% on a period of about 1 second. Is that normal?
Would a bigger dish, like a 39" or 48" dish increase the signal quality?
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