I am because my guy was wrong last week, and until I see what the match is between what I have heard and what happens THIS week, I prefer being MUM.
Because whether I say something or not, it won't change what you will see added at 6AM.
I remember a time when a certain someone was running around the E* forums declaring D* would be adding 10/week, every week.
Well - post a link - I would like to read that myself.
I remember readling the word "almost" in that post
I remember readling the word "almost" in that post
Indeed. Also "10-15". Pardon my paraphrasing.
Thanks Byron. Funny thing is, I have been trying to get some answers on those, and I can't!
Something must be up though, it is clear that those 2 channels were in the pipeline - and hopefully they still are. I don't see any 'official' type of reply from DirecTv though.
that is not paraphrasing - that is intentionally misquoting. almost and every week are not close to each other.
I also said a total of 75-80 by the end of the year, did I not? Forgot to mention that part of it as well?
Ok - then. The point in bringing this up is......................?
Spill it dude. You still have issues? I suggest if you do to send a PM.
Almost every week and every week are not close to each other? They are almost the same. That is what almost means. And no, I did not forget to quote other things from you. I brought up the claim I wanted to discuss.
I remember a time when a certain someone was running around the E* forums declaring D* would be adding 10/week, every week.
Almost every week and every week are not close to each other? They are almost the same. That is what almost means. And no, I did not forget to quote other things from you. I brought up the claim I wanted to discuss.
yeah...good luck with that.Almost every week, and every week are two much different hings.
I suggest you end your feuding NOW.
Hmmm... well, Bucky, let's go to the tape...
9/26- 21 new HD channels added
10/03- 11 new HD channels added
10/04- 1 new HD channel added (MHD, added a day late due to technical issues)
10/10- 4 new HD channels added
10/15- 17 new HD channels added (including the seven additional HD PPV channels)
10/29- 1 new HD channel added
10/31- 1 new HD channel added
(All the above channels are 24/7 channels in MPEG 4 HD. There are other HD channels added that were MPEG 2 channels remapped to the eventual MPEG 4 locations-these were not counted. Also the part time HD RSNs FSN Pittsburgh and FSN Midwest and the Big Ten Network alternate HD channels were not included in the above counts.)
With all that being said, let's tally them up.
Now, from Wednesday, 9/26 until today, Wednesday 10/31, is five weeks.
56 new HD channels divided by five weeks equals...
11.2 channels per week.
True, it wasn't a week by week progression. D* decided to start with a "Shock and Awe" campaign, then follow it up with a second, slightly smaller round on the weekend the new ad campaign was launched. Still, the figures do not lie.
Mission accomplished.
The post in question was made on 9/30, so channels added on 9/26 do not count. The average since that prediction was made is 5.8, with only one week out of 6 being in the 10-15 range.
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