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Is it possible that all of t his publicity will boost sales? | SatelliteGuys.US

Is it possible that all of t his publicity will boost sales?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 6, 2005
I had heard about Voom about a year ago, but didn't really pay it any attention, mainly because I didn't have an HDTV. I recently got an HDTV a few weeks ago, but I didn't even really thing about Voom. But with all this publicity and this great story of a battle within the company got me interested. I signed up for 2 reasons: For the service and to support Chuck with more subs.
As a charter sub THANK YOU.
I had DirecTV. Got my new HD televisions and then got very angry to discover how wasted they were on DTV's programming. My huge investment in HD tvs had no value until I got my Voom.
If you've got HD Voom is only choice worth making. Got HD. Gotta get Voom. or Voom brings HD to Life. :D
Bravo, crash331!!!!!! :D When all this first started, and all the news was TOTALLY BAD, I commented that even bad PR is better than no PR, which VoOm badly needed at that time.

I didn't think then, and don't think now, that it was any kind of a ploy to get PR...but it finally got lots of people talking, and brought VoOm to the attention of people who didn't/don't have HDTV. Hopefully it will continue to cause more people to think about checking into things they may never have heard about; or like you, had heard about and dismissed at the time because they didn't have HDTV then :) .

I strongly feel VoOm needs to connect with the market that still has SD TVs, to let them know that they don't have to spend a bundle to enjoy better satellite service, and according to those who seem to have experience, better PQ. Of course, I also strongly think they need to get a firm grip on their installation issues in MOST parts of the country! :)

I think that today was a big step in the right direction with the announcement of some SD channels that are important to lots of folks. So in the long run, I think the PR is excellent at this point. Good news or least more folks are looking and going "WHAT THE HECK??" When they look further, I think they'll be going, "WOW, WHY DID I WAIT!!!" Heck, it will only go one of two ways, and after all...$1 isn't very much to gamble!:D

I realize that they still need to stay on top of the HD end of it, and feel confident they are going to do so. Miracles just don't happen over night. :)

The promising news of the agreement and the new SD channels today gives me great hope. Yes, there is the possibility it could still end badly...but I strongly doubt that it will, in the end. :D
There was already significant growth for the following 60 days after the board reported 24,000+ subscribers in December, 2004. It was announced by Tom Dolan, son of Charles Dolan and staunch supporter of Voom, reported February 28, 2005 the subscription base for Voom was 47,000+ with 5,000+ awaiting installation. A 190% increase in 60 days.

Now, with the negative PR, although PR as you've pointed out, will indeed bring attention to Voom... Though I don't think we'll see continued growth at the same rate experienced most recently... I do think Voom will eventually regain momentum when it is made clear as to where it will stand March 31 or thereabouts and when the Wall Street hacks won't be able to tie CVC's profits to Voom.

Given that Charles has made it clear CVC will not have to continue to finance Voom's operations Wall Street will have to find it less an object of blame.
There was already significant growth for the following 60 days after the board reported 26,000+ subscribers in December, 2004. It was announced by Tom Dolan, son of Charles Dolan and staunch supporter of Voom, reported February 28, 2005 the subscription base for Voom was 46,000+ with 5,000+ awaiting installation. A 190% increase in 60 days.

Now, with the negative PR, although PR as you've pointed out, will indeed bring attention to Voom... Though I don't think we'll see continued growth at the same rate experienced most recently (I hope I'm proven wrong)... I do think Voom will eventually regain momentum when all is made clear as to where it will stand March 31 or thereabouts... When Wall Street stops banging the drum equating CVC's profits to Voom.

Given that Charles has made it clear CVC will not have to continue to finance Voom's operations the Street should begin to find other things to say about Voom.
bradley said:
the board reported 24,000+ subscribers in December, 2004.
Actually 26,000 as of Sept 31st reported in November ...
bradley said:
It was announced by Tom Dolan, son of Charles Dolan and staunch supporter of Voom, reported February 28, 2005 the subscription base for Voom was 47,000+ with 5,000+ awaiting installation.
Actually Tom said 46,000 in his counter press release on Feb 28, with NO date given for the figure.
An unnamed "source familiar with the numbers" said 46,262 (including 5,622 awaiting installation).
A couple of current articles have picked up on the 46,000 number - with at least one converting it, as you did, to confirmed (without attribution).

It's sad the state of the press nowadays. We're back to the two White House reporters talking and quoting each other as "a source within the White House".

I do not believe the current situation is helping to gain customers more than a few sympathy subs. Of course, people who don't know the situation can still sign up - as long as they are not visiting GET IT on the website.

I wonder how fast those "5,622 awaiting" are getting done? :)

Yes, I think long term all this publicity is great for VOOM!

crash331 said:
I had heard about Voom about a year ago, but didn't really pay it any attention, mainly because I didn't have an HDTV. I recently got an HDTV a few weeks ago, but I didn't even really thing about Voom. But with all this publicity and this great story of a battle within the company got me interested. I signed up for 2 reasons: For the service and to support Chuck with more subs.

This "fight" is finally getting the VOOM name into more of the mainstream press. Assuming VOOM goes ahead after the end of the month and there is a press release or two to that effect potential customers will start signing up in droves. Of course, this is mere speculation as almost all the posts here on VOOM/satguys have been for weeks, and weeks and weeks but we're...

Still enjoying HDTV under increasingly cloudy Seattle skies, Gill

While I agree that VOOM needs to attract more SD people, I think they must make sure they are THE place where HD'ers go....and without HDNET and INHD and Circuit City/Best Buy not promoting it there are still way more HD'ers without it than with it...
I've been thinking about VOOM for some time now... but I didn't have have and HDTV. I bought the HDTV Saturday before last and signed up for VOOM the following Monday. Following this story has just made it all very interesting.
VOOM seems to have just about everything I'll need (HD and the SD I watch) and the DVR will complete the package for me. I'm hoping that VOOM will be around a long time.
I think it will help. I had never even heard of Voom until this past December, when I bought an HDTV and called E* to upgrade to an 811 and their HD package. The CSR was actually the one that mentioned Voom, he said even though they had all those HD channels they were mostly upconverts. I have since seen on infomercial for Voom, but nothing else. So I say if it gets the name out there, considering how small the subs number is now, it can only help. Unfortunately, I cannot go without my rsn, so I have yet to sign up. The day they get that channel though, I will be Vooming.
justalurker said:
Actually 26,000 as of Sept 31st reported in November ...
Actually Tom said 46,000 in his counter press release on Feb 28, with NO date given for the figure.
An unnamed "source familiar with the numbers" said 46,262 (including 5,622 awaiting installation).
A couple of current articles have picked up on the 46,000 number - with at least one converting it, as you did, to confirmed (without attribution).

It's sad the state of the press nowadays. We're back to the two White House reporters talking and quoting each other as "a source within the White House".


Is Tom Dolan now referred to as "unnamed source"?

justalurker said:
I wonder how fast those "5,622 awaiting" are getting done? :)


Based on customer reports in this very Forum I would venture to guess at about the same rate as before the turmoil of the last couple of weeks. I don't recall anyone who said they had an install scheduled saying that it was delayed by Voom or their install contractor.

Do you have some information that shows those 5622 are being delayed?
cfarm said:
Is Tom Dolan now referred to as "unnamed source"?

Based on customer reports in this very Forum I would venture to guess at about the same rate as before the turmoil of the last couple of weeks. I don't recall anyone who said they had an install scheduled saying that it was delayed by Voom or their install contractor.

Do you have some information that shows those 5622 are being delayed?

No he doesn't. He is one of the biggest naysayers on the forum. I guess he really enjoys playing Devil's Advocate.
cfarm said:
Is Tom Dolan now referred to as "unnamed source"?
The article in question didn't name Tom, and Tom gave a different number the ONLY time he, or anyone else with a name, gave one.
cfarm said:
Do you have some information that shows those 5622 are being delayed?
It is a QUESTION not an answer. I wonder how fast the "waiting" are being installed. It does seem like a high number of waiting.

I would say that yes it is getting the name out there and people are becomming aware of it, but there also needs to be just as much PR right after VOOM's restructuring. We don't want people thinking that VOOM no longer exists when they buy that new HDTV set.

That is my concern. Currently we are getting press, but if the press doesn't follow up with a "VOOM will still be around" after the dust settles that could be really bad.
But I don't understand voom's advertising, I seen it at sears, local handy TV and a few commercials on charter but very few.I think they need a new marketing director to get the word out, because everyone I talk to around here knows nothing or never has heard of voom. My personal opinion would stick it in a wal-mart,next to there version of the plasmas and other hi-def tv's, everybody and there brother go to wal-mart, Or strike a deal with best buy or circuit city,to carry there dish. That's just my 2 cents.
justalurker said:
The article in question didn't name Tom, and Tom gave a different number the ONLY time he, or anyone else with a name, gave one.It is a QUESTION not an answer. I wonder how fast the "waiting" are being installed. It does seem like a high number of waiting.


Tom gave a number only a few hundred apart, but you conlude we should stick with a 6 month old number instead? How does one view all the tidbits of information available and conclude they have had a 100% churn rate? Whether it's 40k, 46k, or 48k, why harp on the 26k figure because it's within a rather dated SEC filing? It suggests an agenda. Do you have one?

High number waiting probably means demand for installs is still going at a good clip, especially in the absence of any reports of postponed install appointments. But since it's the first time I've ever seen a waiting number posted, there is no point of reference to determine if this abnormal.
Yes, bad publicity is still publicity.

But, if your a consumer and your thinking of getting Voom, I can't see how the publicity of the past month would influence a consumer in a positive way toward Voom as a product.
I don't think it will help them at all. I believe if they had a better channel line up they wouldn't be in the position they are in now. Lets face it HD alone will not grow this company fast enough to add subs like they need. I prefer shows filmed in HD like the next person but I can say hands down I wont watch redundant programing in HD. If the shows I like are currently only available in SD then I'm on it regardless. The real saver for all providers would be ala carte programing which to me is how it should be and hopefully the lawmakers can see that soon. You and I should all have a choice on a per channel basis, that would weed out all the crap channels that we all pay for and don't watch. I would love a choice at say 15 or so HD channels i like and 40 or so SD channels I like and the heck with the rest and I'm sure so would all of you. If the new Voom can do this one day I will be a customer for the long haul. Nice dream but I don't think it will happen it would force all the programing providers to clean up their act and we all know that wont float. :no
bryan27 said:
... That is my concern. Currently we are getting press, but if the press doesn't follow up with a "VOOM will still be around" after the dust settles that could be really bad.
The press can't say that, because they can't verify it (yeah, commentators can say anything they want, but they don't have to back it up). So far, all we have is a stay of execution until C. Dolan can present a package that the board will accept.

1.2 million shares cashed in by Dolan???

New SEC filing - deals with funding during March

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