Bravo, crash331!!!!!! 
When all this first started, and all the news was TOTALLY BAD, I commented that even bad PR is better than no PR, which VoOm badly needed at that time.
I didn't think then, and
don't think now, that it was any kind of a ploy to get PR...but it finally got lots of people talking, and brought VoOm to the attention of people who didn't/don't have HDTV. Hopefully it will continue to cause more people to think about checking into things they may
never have heard about; or like you, had heard about and dismissed at the time because they didn't have HDTV then

I strongly feel VoOm needs to connect with the market that still has SD TVs, to let them know that they don't have to spend a bundle to enjoy better satellite service,
and according to those who seem to have experience, better PQ. Of course, I
also strongly think they need to get a firm grip on their installation issues in MOST parts of the country!
I think that today was a
big step in the right direction with the announcement of some SD channels that are important to lots of folks. So in the long run, I think the PR is excellent at this point. Good news or least more folks are looking and going "WHAT THE HECK??" When they look further, I think they'll be going,
"WOW, WHY DID I WAIT!!!" Heck, it will only go one of two ways, and after all...$1 isn't very much to gamble!
realize that they still need to stay on top of the HD end of it, and feel confident they are going to do so. Miracles just don't happen over night.
The promising news of the agreement and the new SD channels today gives me great hope.
Yes, there is the possibility it could still end badly...but I
strongly doubt that it will, in the end.