I need someone with accounting experiance to help me out with some numbers.
Lets see, CVC has posted 1.2 billion in losses for VOOM since the startup. CVC posted 375 million in losses for VOOM's operation over the last quarter. At 50000 subscribers now (I am being very positive with this number) x $89 per month (I know that everyone does not have VAVAVOOM but I am trying to put up the best numbers) the total monthly income is $4.5 million. $4.5 times 3 months (a quarter) is 13.5 million revenue against 375 million lost. And the guy responsible now wants to buy the remaining assets without excepting any of the losses to the stockholders (the 1.2 billion)!
Does anyone here really believe that if Mr. Dolan Sr. gets to buy the remaining VOOM assets that the SEC is NOT going to investigate? You guys must not own any stock!
If this were WorldCom or Enron this dude would be looking at a jail time. The stockholders would be livid!! CVC stock has been taking a beating for the last year and a half over VOOM and no matter how you look at it -- if Sr. gets the remaining assets there is going to be an SEC investigation. Especially with the lastest ouster of board members and installing his own guys.
On a much bigger downer, it would take 421,349 suscribers at $89 a month to turn 375 million. AT $50 a month it would take 750,000 suscribers to make that much money. That is probably all the HD subscribers on all three sat companies right now. So, I believe that Sr. is trying to pull a fast one, get the assets already developed and in place and seperate it from CVC and let the stockholders hold the bag for the startup. Oh man -- the SEC just loves these kind of deals!
Lets see, CVC has posted 1.2 billion in losses for VOOM since the startup. CVC posted 375 million in losses for VOOM's operation over the last quarter. At 50000 subscribers now (I am being very positive with this number) x $89 per month (I know that everyone does not have VAVAVOOM but I am trying to put up the best numbers) the total monthly income is $4.5 million. $4.5 times 3 months (a quarter) is 13.5 million revenue against 375 million lost. And the guy responsible now wants to buy the remaining assets without excepting any of the losses to the stockholders (the 1.2 billion)!
Does anyone here really believe that if Mr. Dolan Sr. gets to buy the remaining VOOM assets that the SEC is NOT going to investigate? You guys must not own any stock!
If this were WorldCom or Enron this dude would be looking at a jail time. The stockholders would be livid!! CVC stock has been taking a beating for the last year and a half over VOOM and no matter how you look at it -- if Sr. gets the remaining assets there is going to be an SEC investigation. Especially with the lastest ouster of board members and installing his own guys.
On a much bigger downer, it would take 421,349 suscribers at $89 a month to turn 375 million. AT $50 a month it would take 750,000 suscribers to make that much money. That is probably all the HD subscribers on all three sat companies right now. So, I believe that Sr. is trying to pull a fast one, get the assets already developed and in place and seperate it from CVC and let the stockholders hold the bag for the startup. Oh man -- the SEC just loves these kind of deals!