vurbano said:When is the letter going out? Cablevision needs to inform us as to the status of the recievers.
Well I really wasn't expecting anything, just hoping.dash2004 said:How silly could this question be? You bought the receivers and you own them! Or maybe you are expecting refund from CV?
An unrelated question for all of you out there: I lost the guide as expected but also lost the clock in the receiver. Is this expected? I would think there is an internal clock built in the receiver and should function without a satellite input.
billmail1 said:I just received my "past due" bill from VOOM for the 2nd time . I told the CSR when I received the first bill that I didn't intend to pay it. I told them that they installed the equipment, defaulted on their service and, as far as I was concerned, they were responsible to remove it. I tried to explain that, since the installer placed the dish on my 2nd story roof (twice due to a poor installation), I wasn't about to climb up there to remove it (I'm not that young anymore and I doubt that VOOM would pay my medical expenses if I fell off the roof trying to remove it ). Consequently, I had to hire a local guy to do it for me. His fee, plus the cost to repair the roof (8 holes total) and holes in my walls, exceeded VOOM's final bill. VOOM couldn't care less. They told me that removing the dish, receiver, cables, etc. was my decision and VOOM was not liable to pay the expenses. The CSR suggested that I try to sell the equipment to recoup some of my loses but they still expected payment in full. I wonder how many other "ex-customers" VOOM is going to go after for final payments even though it probably cost some of us money to have their equipment removed from our homes.
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