Stargazer said:Who wants to bet that this time next week we will still be waiting for the ITV weather channel locals on the 8's.
J Bob said:SO let's guess Cool Nate 32, you've got a 1000, right?
Stargazer said:Still no go, still waiting. There's several people here now looking forward to this feature.
cobra2225 said:if they do it right all you should have to do is turn to the weather channel and there it will be just like cable,otherwise if you have to go to channel 100 everytime you might as well take off channel 214 on your guide, we'll be lucky if this feature comes in early 07.
Are you losing sleep over this too ?? Get over it... When Dish is ready to launch it, they will. The real problem is when things get pre-announced WAY too early and people get hard-ons over it and check the channel every 15 minutes and critique the wording on their website and watch to see if they change the wording. Life will go on with or without the possible feature. Dish will continue to operate too.cobra2225 said:i'm beginning to think that local 8's on the on 214 was never going to happen...
It can't be just like the cable stations which just know exactly where you are and in fact just give every one they serve the same broadcast. It in fact may be more interesting in that you can check weather in different locations, or it may be more boring like the current local weather presented by Time will tell.cobra2225 said:has anyone noticed today the scroll on channel 100 said "comming soon" more weather choice's, not local on the 8's, guess dish's tech's are not as smart as the
cable tech's,and why are they calling it interactive? it should just be there like on cable,i'm beginning to think that local 8's on the on 214 was never going to happen
and like a few other things in the past it was just a ploy to get directv cable customers to switch to dish.
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