Thats not good for DISH.
Agreed. It doesn't look good. Dish has been having a run of bad luck lately in the courts. It would be nice to see the good guys win once in a while.

Thats not good for DISH.
You had the almost overwhelming desire to chase Ambulances?They told me I should be a lawyer. The aptitude tests all said "lawyer" a few steps above everything else. They TOLD me. But did I listen? ........... <sigh>
I'll go pull the ruling from PACER now and post it! Give me a few minutes....
Ok, ruling is attached for everyone!
View attachment 79060
I would think copyright claims would include AutoHop as well.In reading that over to me it looks like a 50 / 50 Split and New York will hear the AutoHop portion and rule if it is legal or not.
They will to some degree.I would think copyright claims would include AutoHop as well.
Nope two seperate things. And if you read the FOX and Company lawsuit you will see the big part of their beef is not with AutoHop its with Prime Time Anytime. Besides it was already ruled back in the VHS days that commercial skipping by the consumer was not in violation of any copyright laws.I would think copyright claims would include AutoHop as well.
The Mouse's hands are at 6:30 right now it's...
Fox - both issues in CA
CBS/NBCU - Copyright in CA, Contract claims in NY
ABC - both issues in NY
So will any of these other networks now file contract claims in CA to get this part of the issue moved there too? or is that not allowed at this point?
and what exactly has ABC done at all at this point? they almost seem like a bystander
An editorial rant from a retired TV producer--
While none of us from a viewer perspective love the 30 second commercial interruption to our programming we should recognize that it is part of the "free" TV package, or that it augments the high cost of TV production. The Auto Hop enhancement to the 30 second skip is indeed a way to totally ignore all the commercials which executes direct harm to the financing of these programs. At least the 30 second skip, when used, it briefly exposes viewers to the commercial and if not engaging, we skip through it. This at least forces us to be exposed and forces the ad producer to be more creative in making the spot hold your attention. With Auto Hop, Dish has used technology to sabotage the entire business model of the very industry they get revenue from. In my opinion, as a veteran of TV advertising, Dish Network has made about the most stupid mistake I have ever seen by any business in my entire career. That is no exaggeration. It's about like if you went to work and devised a way to prevent your employer from selling his product preventing him from being able to pay you your salary. When I first heard of the Auto Hop I was dumbfounded. I could not decide if Dish Network was just run by a new breed of morons or they had gone suicidal.
I can see a 3rd party company making such a device. A company that has no dependency on ad revenue either directly or indirectly, but not Dish Network. This invention is really stupid of them to deliver to their customers and short sighted for customers to embrace. I'm still flabbergasted they would deliver such a function. And now, pay to defend it in court.
My suggestion- drop the defense. disable Auto Hop and hope and pray the Networks will continue to look the other way for the 30 second skip feature.
And this is just a ridiculous defense in the current day. They can't call it "free" tv if they turn around and charge Dish and other service providers to re-transmit their shows. They are double-dipping and then have the gall to try and cry foul. That is just lunacy.
It isn't an exact science like autohop but I get the same effect. If the networks think anyone really sits and watches commercials on the major providers they are more lost than I have believed.
An editorial rant from a retired TV producer--
While none of us from a viewer perspective love the 30 second commercial interruption to our programming we should recognize that it is part of the "free" TV package, or that it augments the high cost of TV production. The Auto Hop enhancement to the 30 second skip is indeed a way to totally ignore all the commercials which executes direct harm to the financing of these programs. At least the 30 second skip, when used, it briefly exposes viewers to the commercial and if not engaging, we skip through it. This at least forces us to be exposed and forces the ad producer to be more creative in making the spot hold your attention. With Auto Hop, Dish has used technology to sabotage the entire business model of the very industry they get revenue from. In my opinion, as a veteran of TV advertising, Dish Network has made about the most stupid mistake I have ever seen by any business in my entire career. That is no exaggeration. It's about like if you went to work and devised a way to prevent your employer from selling his product preventing him from being able to pay you your salary. When I first heard of the Auto Hop I was dumbfounded. I could not decide if Dish Network was just run by a new breed of morons or they had gone suicidal.
I can see a 3rd party company making such a device. A company that has no dependency on ad revenue either directly or indirectly, but not Dish Network. This invention is really stupid of them to deliver to their customers and short sighted for customers to embrace. I'm still flabbergasted they would deliver such a function. And now, pay to defend it in court.
My suggestion- drop the defense. disable Auto Hop and hope and pray the Networks will continue to look the other way for the 30 second skip feature.
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