New Voom Install in Brooklyn
After reading the threads, I tried to get the CSR to agree/clarify certain things before I committed to 6 months
1. No fee separate OTA drop
2. Upgraded OTA upon initial install (Since my landlord makes my roof access difficult, I didn't want to deal with multiple visits)
3. HDMI / DVI cable provided
Well - My 12/23 install slot came (12-5) so I decided to lose a day's pay.
1:30 they called to say they were running late, and it would be closer to 5.
(Considering it was Sureway, and the posts I've read, this call surprised me)
5:30 still no Voom and no call.

I call VOOM, Voom calls Installs...etc. - 2 minutes later the installer called to tell me they were still stuck on a job.
I had to extract and read between the lines to get them to finally come out and say "No, we won't be coming tonight".

After calls to VOOM and to the installer's office (leaving messages), I got the install done early the next morning.
They did not put in the 2nd cable drop.
They put in the standard OTA antenna (Winegard Sensar)
They only had DVI/DVI cable.
(Great, 0 for 3)
The wiring job wasn't the best (no silicone sealant at point of entry, not enough wire ties on the drop, etc.) - but being it was XMAS eve, I just wanted it done with.
Luckily, I'm 11 miles from the Empire State Building, w/ a pretty clear shot - so the primary locals have a strong signal (using diplexer no less).
I haven't been able to pull in PBS, but so far, I'm not too upset - as I'm just starting to get familiar w/ the guide.
My only issue now is to get them to stand by the HDMI agreement.
So, I'm pretty happily VOOMing - finally seeing my JVC-DILA as it was meant to be seen - in HD !
Now, I'm just trying to find if there are any posts regarding the dotted green line down the right side of 4:3 pillar boxed programming. (And the static-y line down the left side of 4:3 locals)
I hope the Bath Beach (11214 zip) install notes help someone