Looks like their stock level is now over 6000. I wonder if they are tied into Directv's distribution network directly and orders are just drop shipped. If so, $177 with free shipping is pretty good.
yeah its pretty tempting jay. this place have a good rep?Looks like their stock level is now over 6000. I wonder if they are tied into Directv's distribution network directly and orders are just drop shipped. If so, $177 with free shipping is pretty good.
yeah its pretty tempting jay. this place have a good rep?
Come on guys, there is no room for rational thinking when it comes to new hardware
Elwaylite - I'm dumbfounded that you cancelled your order since it is the dead tv season.
All seriously though, I think you made a good decision.
Well, Im bi polar and changed my mind.
Could not pass up the $179+$1 S&H from overstock.com;just ordered.
DIRECTV HR24 DirecTV Receiver | Overstock.com
HR24 from Overstock.com shipped today!
HR24 from Overstock.com shipped today!
Holey HDDVRs Batman, that's cool. Looking forward to your pictures and report, that is if you don't deny delivery![]()
Haha, nah its done.
It will go int he bedroom to taker over recording duties for the living room dvr. Once the liv room dvr is cleaned off, Ill swap them around and then continue. Give an impression when I can.
I just ordered a H24 (NOT HR) from beach audio for $88, picked up a few small things to get free shipping on $100 order.
It will go in the bedroom on a shelf, the size will be good, it is a tight space in there.
Been still debating that HR24 to replace my HR20s, just can't bring myself to lay out $350 for faster, cause the HR20 does everything the HR24 does, just slower.
On a side note, I had to have an HR20 replaced this week, and they are STILL shipping HR20 refurbs out, which suprised me. This new refurb manufactured Sept 2006. I expect they just slapped a new 320gb drive in there and shipped it back out.
Other than the OTA tuner, the HR24 might take the cake now.
I was just suprised to see the HR20 still being shipped, it was the -700 model too, better than being stuck with an 21/22/23.
I still think at this point I'd prefer a HR24 despite losing OTA. I just don't know that I want to spend $180 for it.
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