Like title days hopefully they ship. Is there anyone running one and are there any apps that work with direct tv stuff ?
sent from my thunderbolt
sent from my thunderbolt
Like title days hopefully they ship. Is there anyone running one and are there any apps that work with direct tv stuff ?
It was a huge pain in the ass but I think my orders went through. For 99 bucks just to load it with movies its worth it. It will keep the kids busy on a plane or in the car when they can't decide what to watch on the dvd player
sent from my thunderbolt
I highly doubt anyone, especially big devs, wants to waste time now on WebOS. As a dev myself I prefer iOS, then after that WebOS, then WM7, then Android, however I won't waste time in it now...
That being said I'm trying to pick one up as well just to play with. Each time I used one though in the store it made me really appreciate my iPad 2.
Where did you order from? I am trying to find one to order
I'm not seeing a whole lot of work on XDA concerning it. I thought about picking one up at the fire sale prices but ultimately going to pass.
Anyone finding any touchpads to order online lately? Im still searching...
Here is an interesting strategy.
Discontinue your product which isn't selling. Drop it to firesale prices. Sell out as people want a $500 device for $100.
THEN make more devices.
HP to make more TouchPads - Computerworld
And still sell it at a loss??
mike123abc said:My thought would be that they had already contracted to make X number of devices and would have to pay for them anyways (i.e. already bought parts), may as well make them and at least get some money back vs just throwing away the money.
Try Best Buy in the afternoons. I did and scored 2 so far, one of each as far as GB
When was the last one you scored.
sent from my thunderbolt
Limited time offer