I already have the premium package so I don;t see why i would need to pay extra when I am already paying so much now.
They said that 3 channels will be rolled out at 12:01 A.M. tomorrow. They are FNC HD, Weather Channel HD, HBO 2 HD. Then the last week of september they will roll out 5 more. During october they will roll out 5 to 10 a week until they get to a 100 by the end of the year. They said they had some sort of a site that we could view, didnt specify.
That stinks!
the lady was nice and very informative, but she said they wont have 70 until November
MY TIVO shows the new HD channel #s dowloaded overnight.
Did she specify a year? And yes, I am serious.
I just got off the phone with a D* tech, and he said that when they came in this morning there was a note that there would be a slight delay in rolling out the new HD. He didn't know if that just meant later today or not. He had the new channels running in their office, but they were freezing quite often, so they were working out the kinks before rolling them out. I don't know how much stock to put into what he said, but it may explain why their not up yet. Also, he said a lot more channels would be coming up in the first two weeks in October, which coincides with all the other info posted here over the past few weeks. I didn't get into more detail about what channels these would be as he was quite busy.
Not to mention ,Who Paid for our equipment. Thats Lame!!I just spoke with retention. They put me on hold then came back with this. The reason for the delay is to allow for more people to be upgraded from the TivoHD boxes. I asked if that is the only reason then why make the thousands of us who do have the right equipment wait? She didn't have an explanation. Only saying that is the current info we have.
This makes absolutely no sense. The people who don't have the right boxes won't see the programming until they get the new boxes whether they roll out or not. This does nothing but irritate those who are already "ready" to receive the new channels. I can't believe any business decision would be made like this, so it sounds like more speculation to me.I just spoke with retention. They put me on hold then came back with this. The reason for the delay is to allow for more people to be upgraded from the TivoHD boxes. I asked if that is the only reason then why make the thousands of us who do have the right equipment wait? She didn't have an explanation. Only saying that is the current info we have.
No it was "forward" as in "forward looking statements...."I think the D* founder's first English word when he was a baby was "DELAY" come on D* enough is enough, how hard can it be to lite the channels, you dont see E* star having any problems.
Yep, and get ready to see the same channels you saw this morning.Just take one chill pill and check your program guide in the morning.
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