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Ku dish sidecar | SatelliteGuys.US

Ku dish sidecar


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 24, 2022
South Florida
I made a 103W sidecar for my 99W Ku dish (90 cm). I’m getting acceptable results receiving 12145 V 20000 ( around 98/80 on my Amiko mini hd265). I can’t tune in any H transponders. I can get 98/90 if directly tune the dish to 103W. Is the drop in Q typical with a sidecar, and are H transponders always more difficult to tune in these situations?
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the H TPs on 103 are noticeably weaker than the 12145V, by a few dB. Also, they require at least 8-9dB (because 8psk with 3/4 or 5/6 FEC). In comparison, 12145V is very forgiving since it's only QPSK and requires only 5.5. So once you factor in both differences, there's a big difference between receiving 12145V and receiving the H transponders. At my location I can get 12145V quite reliably on a Dish500 (18 inch) dish. But getting DW-TV is unreliable (at best) on a 75cm dish...
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