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L3.57 for 622 downloaded! | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

L3.57 for 622 downloaded!

Sony ok here...

BobMurdoch said:
I know Sony is on the list... Who else?

I had a 211 hooked to my Sony SXRD for about 5 weeks and currently have a 622 hooked to it via HDMI for the past 5 weeks with no problems or glitches as far as interface connections. Hopefully that remains to be true with this mornings update;) . Gerry
ggw2000 said:
I had a 211 hooked to my Sony SXRD for about 5 weeks and currently have a 622 hooked to it via HDMI for the past 5 weeks with no problems or glitches as far as interface connections. Hopefully that remains to be true with this mornings update;) . Gerry

I have no probelm with my Sony RP LCD either.
My Mit 62628 has been on HDMI since 3-18-06. Never had lost picture. Selfishly I would like the missing timer thing fixed on the version.
So could that be the case of some early batch of production have those isolated HDMI problems...... It could be a combination of hardware and software problem. For example, my 622s all have the R# like 190091xx-xx & 190134xx-xx. I was wondering for those of you had HDMI issues could have another set of R#......

Just another wild guess from me since I am really bord at my desk :-)
dougmcbride said:
Add HP to the list - at least the 1080p DLPs.

I found a fix, it sucks but it works:


This forces the HDMI handshake when the receiver tries to go to 720p. You can then cancel and you now have video!
My fave.... Doom's "IDKFA" on the computer keyboard.....

ID kicks freakin ass.....

Maxed out all weapons and health......
jeremyburns007 said:
Doesn't that give you 30 men on Contra? I'm sorry......that was too good to pass up.

Hehe, I will never forget up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start.
AdamGott said:
I found a fix, it sucks but it works:


This forces the HDMI handshake when the receiver tries to go to 720p. You can then cancel and you now have video!

Sadly that doesn't work here. Shame it's a decent receiver.
My Hitachi 50V500A RPLCD TV seems to be working fine with an HDMI/DVI connection. The manual states that it is HDCP compliant. I wonder how many DVI's out there aren't?
This morning I tried my Rev C 622 on the non-HDCP DVI port of my flat panel Dell computer monitor.... Worked fine.

My HDCP compliant DLP projector and 34" Dish Direct View work fine too.
I have tried HDMI, HDMI/DVI with and without HDCP. All worked fine with the 622s.

Maybe there is something has to do with the early version of hadware that did not work with the newer version of software.........
Well after my earlier post in this thread saying I haven't had a problem with my HDMI since my 3-18-06 install it went out. My L357 downloaded on 5-18-06 and on 5-20-06 no output on HDMI. I should have kept my mouth shut.

Did the L357 have anything to do with it??
xcrider said:
Well after my earlier post in this thread saying I haven't had a problem with my HDMI since my 3-18-06 install it went out. My L357 downloaded on 5-18-06 and on 5-20-06 no output on HDMI. I should have kept my mouth shut.

Did the L357 have anything to do with it??
Probably not, just a coincidence I think. Most of us with a HDMI problem had it develop after a few weeks. In my case HDMI was DOA...

Incidentally, I tried the "Menu-6-8-left-left-down-right-right-select" move to put the 622 into several different HDMI modes and nothing I did there made any difference.

The "new" (refurbished?) one should show up in a day or so and I can hopefully have a hard resolution to this issue. I will post a full summary of before and after R and S numbers, bootstraps, hardware version numbers, etc. for the record...
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xcrider said:
Well after my earlier post in this thread saying I haven't had a problem with my HDMI since my 3-18-06 install it went out. My L357 downloaded on 5-18-06 and on 5-20-06 no output on HDMI. I should have kept my mouth shut.

Did the L357 have anything to do with it??

I don't think so. For SOME reason, after 8-10 weeks the HDMI output stops to function for many people. The exact same thing happened to me. I got mine in late February/Early March and mine flaked out two weeks ago.

Then again, my father has his partnered with a new Sony Bravia 32" LCD TV and his HDMI is still working (Mine was sent through a DVI/HDMI converter first since my TV only had a DVI connector, his is with a 4' HDMI cable). His has been active since late February and is still working, but I'm waiting for the WTF?!!?? call.........

I do not have a 622 yet, have one on order. So I have been trying to learn as much as possible from others in this forum. Some one , somewhere suggested that cold re-booting (by unplugging from the wall ) of BOTH tv and 622 solved their HDMI problem. So, please try that also. What do you have to loose ?. I do have an LCD RP TV and it is supposed to benefit greatly by HDMI connection. I really wish DISH will resolve this issue with 622 soon.
I've done that on numerous occasions. I still have the HDMI connection plugged in and I press the "input select" button occasionally to see if I am getting a signal again. Since both the TV and receiver are started up at the same time, they should be fine (yes, that does include a few hard power resets of the 622.... I know it is not really OFF, when it is powered down via the on/off button on the remote....)
Rajumon said:
I do not have a 622 yet, have one on order. So I have been trying to learn as much as possible from others in this forum. Some one , somewhere suggested that cold re-booting (by unplugging from the wall ) of BOTH tv and 622 solved their HDMI problem. So, please try that also. What do you have to loose ?. I do have an LCD RP TV and it is supposed to benefit greatly by HDMI connection. I really wish DISH will resolve this issue with 622 soon.
You make a good point, and in retrospect I have not tried unplugging the TV in any of my trials, so that's first on my list for this evening!

Don't be too concerned about your situation yet. I think these problems, even with the "affected" (infected ?? LOL!) TVs, are the exception rather than the rule. Hopefully yours will be OK as received...

(Maybe I need an exorcist !!)
Two days ago, my 2 week old rev. D 622 lost all red on HDMI. It's OK in the morning but then goes out about an hour later. Last night, it went completely out, just white noise on the TV. I cooled the box down a little and it returned minus red colors.

What happen to Bingotv

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