Guys, He's guilty. Very unhappy with him but it's obvious now that he is.
Guys, He's guilty. Very unhappy with him but it's obvious now that he is.
Riff...could not have said it better myself!
11 teammates said he did it. Why would they lie?
I'm not saying he didn't "game the system" but it's been a decade and the evidence is sparse, at best. If the system is broken the USADA should spend more time and energy fixing it instead of making it so easy (not my words) to circumvent. Case in point: 31-years ago the Marine Corps implemented a drug testing policy/system. It worked pretty well and they started to identify, treat and/or discharge offenders. However, some people learned how to "game the system" and avoid detection. How? By using on Friday night and flushing their system with gobs of exercise, water and supplements.
Instead of whining and pouting (like the USADA) the Marine Corps leadership responded to problems with their testing program by changing the policy overnight: 1) they dropped the level of THC, etc. by 50% used to "pop positive" on the urine test. 2) they conducted random drug tests/sweeps on the weekends. 3) they increased their intelligence gather activities (e.g., NCIS...formerly NIS prior to Tailhook) and 4) they began using more than one testing lab/method. Most problems with the program were solved. It is possible to use drugs and avoid detection? Sure it is, but I doubt you're going to get away with it being an habitual abuser. And you're going to see anyone prosecuted under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) based on the word of drug users "tattling" that they saw their running buddies using drugs, when they deny using, and then pass a drug screening test or, in this case, hundreds of them. That would be called injustice and abuse of power.
11 teammates said he did it. Why would they lie?
What money? What financial gain do they get from this?Money and jealousy drive people to do anything and everything.
What money? What financial gain do they get from this?
Nike is severing ties with Armstrong, citing insurmountable evidence that he was involved in doping and lied about it for more than a decade.
He is retired from racing. So it really does nothing but end a contract with an athlete that is no longer competing. But Nike is quite hypocrital because as much as I LOVE Michael Jordan...he was hanging with KNOWN gamblers even when he was playing. They did cut those ties. So this is a sort of pick and chose type of deal....
But Nike pointed out the reason they dropped him. It wasn't because he stopped racing. They said it could no longer ignore the evidence of his illicit behavior as a professional cyclist. Please point out what Michael Jordan did on the court that would show he cheated to win.
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