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Born 2 Race - Actually not bad at all, felt like tokyo drift and looked good.

Starship Troopers 3 - Started off badly, got OK, then ended just weird. Bad FX

Next: Assassination Games and War Horse
Last: Assassination Games

Not bad at all, real good PQ. Good to see Van Damme in something decent.

Next: Wife's hitting the rack and I'm on vacation, so it's a couple of Dean Koontz flicks for me, Watchers and Phantoms. :)
Last: War Horse

Movie: 4.5
Video: 4.0 I saw some softness, and while some reviews deemed it basically reference, I dont agree. It looked nice, but I think due to the way it was shot (I think it was shot on film and intended a certain period look), I wasn't overly impressed. It did have some nice moments.
Audio: 5.0 Dialogue was easy to understand, and the war scenes were awesome.

Next: Contraband
Last: inside job

Excellent documentary about the near total collapse of the financial markets in 2008.

Interesting perspective and there is an HBO movie titled nursing margin call along a similar vein.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
Last: Contraband

Movie: 3.0 Nothing special, and not well thought out
Video: 4.0 Looked pretty good, blacks were badly crushed
Audio: 4.0 Decent, but nothing spectacular. Had one shoot out scene that was pretty good

Next: Dolphin Tale
Swapped up, went for Haywire.

I enjoyed it, as an MMA fan it was real easy for me to believe her kicking the holy hell out of people. At times the video looked outstanding, other times not as much. Audio wasnt anything special, but sounded fine, Id say it was more natural. Fight scenes seemed to have a normal punch sound to them that was quite good, instead of some Indiana Jones style hits :) . The fights were also quite brutal which made it even more intense.

Next: Dolphin Tale
Last: Contraband

Finally got something halfway decent from NF. Seems like forever. Movie looked really good on the new Sharp.

Last: Woman in Black.....I thought this was a excellent excellent def. broke the traditional ending....dont want to say too much, anyways I thought the picture and sound were incredible in this movie...great ambiance created in the movie as well.
Last: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Finally got around to it. A couple scenes were soft (very brief). Overall I thought it looked quite good. Defintely an improvement over the DVD.

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