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Original with Sissy (The best of the best), Early 2000's TV version, The Rage: Carrie 2 (horrid), and the 2013 remake.

Thor Dark World

Overall I felt it was as good if not better than the first. LFE was very strong at times. CGI was a little over the top even when it didnt need to be, granted some scenes required it IMO. Maybe over the top is the wrong way to put it, too obvious. I look at movies like Bayformers 3 with more realistic destruction scenes, but that could be a budget thing.

Next: The Counselor Thursday if I get it in this week.
Last: Dallas Buyer Club

I really liked it. Jared Leto, WOW.

Gravity next.

Dallas Buyers Club was a good movie. Unless one was a big Jared Leto fan to start with, you would not recognize him in DBC. He did a great job getting into character, so much so I never recognized him, and was surprise to see who he was after seeing the movie.
I had not paid much attention to who all was in the movie other than MM, I had even forgot Garner was in it. It took me a minute to notice Leto, but then I was like "dang!".
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