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Last & Next Movie Watched

To each their own. I loved IB, but I really enjoy QT's style.

Last: Orphan... not a bad little suspense/thriller with a nice twist.
District 9... Again a film I enjoyed.

Next: I'm thinking Night Watch and Day Watch

Agree!! My wife and I really liked IB!

Last: Fargo... one of my favorite cult classics

Next: The Final Destination... I like this series of movies, hopefully this one is not a letdown
Last: Inglorious Basterds

it was a okay movie ( I wouldnt watch it again) Alot of language but that is Qt's style...had some funny moments, but overall maybe a 6-6.5 out of 10.
Saw IB in the theater. Loved it. "Even Stonewall Jackson knows you don't fight in a basement!"
Last - Master and Commander Far Side.... One I always meant to see and somehow never got connected. I was reminded while in San Diego recently when I walked past the "Surprise". (I intend to tour that ship someday but wanted to see the movie first. Toured the Midway this time instead,) Found this one at Wally World for $10. Great addition to the collection, one I will definitely watch again. Great action scenes and sound.

Next ?? Probably the new Transformers, Christmas gift sitting there still in its wrapper...
Last: Finally saw Transformers 2. FF through alot of it. All the rest had good potential but it spent too much time with looking good and adding in all the expected cliches in a cheesy setup. The 'near-death' scene in the big finale with the spirits of the primes was silly even for that movie.

It was a decision between watching the movie or spending a couple hours on the computer doing some coding. Im still not sure if I made the right choice. :D

Next: Whatever it is... it will be better.
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