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Last & Next Movie Watched

The Music Man. Have always loved the movie and the Blu Ray transfer gets rid of a lot of video artifacts from the Laserdisc and DVD. Lots of small patterns in the clothes that always had moire patterns. No more. Sound was big improvement as well. Recommended.
LAST ..The House of the Devil (2009)
Ti West perfectly recreates one of those late 70's, early 80's horror flicks in every detail from the grainy photography and the camera angles to the hairstyles and fashions. But is it a good horror movie? Yes. Today's impatient audiences may not appreciate the slow burn but, West keeps the atmosphere creepy and full of forboding till the suspenseful and bloodsoaked finale act. Even the climax is right out of a horror flick of that era, subtle and spooky. As a nostalgic trip back to a type of horror they don't make anymore or for a spooky Halloween treat, I definitely recommend it.
LAST ..The House of the Devil (2009)
Ti West perfectly recreates one of those late 70's, early 80's horror flicks in every detail from the grainy photography and the camera angles to the hairstyles and fashions. But is it a good horror movie? Yes. Today's impatient audiences may not appreciate the slow burn but, West keeps the atmosphere creepy and full of forboding till the suspenseful and bloodsoaked finale act. Even the climax is right out of a horror flick of that era, subtle and spooky. As a nostalgic trip back to a type of horror they don't make anymore or for a spooky Halloween treat, I definitely recommend it.

Yep, you described it pretty well. I loved the way this movie was done.
Yep, you described it pretty well. I loved the way this movie was done.

Actually cut and pasted pretty well. I've read his other posts. I've never seen one that elequently written without the grammatical errors that reads like text talk.

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Actually cut and pasted pretty well. I've read his other posts. I've never seen one that elequently written without the grammatical errors that reads like text talk.


I was wondering. Gave benefit of the doubt though. Either way, the description is pretty accurate to what I think of the movie.
I was wondering. Gave benefit of the doubt though. Either way, the description is pretty accurate to what I think of the movie.

I've neveer met him, but he says his English is limited. I've given him the benefit of the doubt also, but I've tried to assist him on a few things and I haven't gotten my point across (i.e. playing 16:9 material on a 2.4:1 fixed screen).

I've neveer met him, but he says his English is limited. I've given him the benefit of the doubt also, but I've tried to assist him on a few things and I haven't gotten my point across (i.e. playing 16:9 material on a 2.4:1 fixed screen).


I went back and read the other posts and saw what you were elluding to. No big deal, I just didn't see it until you pointed it out.

Pandorum: Film has a blue tint that too me some time to get used to, but it wasn't overwhelming. I am kind of confused if Pandorum was more sci-fi or horror or psychological thriller. Wasn't sure if I was suppossed to be reading into things more and in fact there was more of an overall insanity of the people. I dunno. Kind of felt like The Descent in space, but lacking any backstory to explain things. I think I'm gonna have to watch 1 more time to see if gleen anything else from it cause I think it could have been a much better story if given more info.
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