Any predictions on what HD will launched tomorrow on Dish? Do you think DirecTV will launch anything tomorrow?
I think we might see more national hd uplinked tomorrow (maybe TWC and CNN) but nothing going "live" until 10/17 at the earliest.
Blah on both of those... We already have a news channel in HD and I dont understand the need for the Weather Channel in HD.
Nothing like getting a wrong prediction in HD.
I need to be a weatherman. You can be wrong 100% of the time and still be employed.
I disagree with db2, I think well have a few more channels going live tomorrow. My guess is...
The Weather Channel HD
NHL Network HD
I disagree with db2, I think well have a few more channels going live tomorrow. My guess is...
The Weather Channel HD
NHL Network HD
I don't think NBCU will let Dish cherry pick USA without taking Sci-Fi and Bravo.
I agree. And I believe E* is targeting 10/17 for the launch of NHL HD.
Any predictions on what HD will launched tomorrow on Dish? Do you think DirecTV will launch anything tomorrow?
Scott talked about the addition of new channels this week in the podcast. He was not specific but did say we could be up to 45 national HD channels. So we should at least see it uplinked this week.
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