How about MOJO and TMC-HD
Careful what you wish for, Mojo sucks.
*wonders what ever happened to the "only on cable" INHD used to spat out every five minutes before it was turned into Mojo.
The channel was better as two channels (INHD1/2).
How about MOJO and TMC-HD
That's kind of an incredulous statement, don't you think? If 50% of all cable subscribers on the whole have HBO and (presumably slightly more have so movie package or another) why are high-def subscribers different in a negatively correlated way?
I would love to see FX HD added. I don't watch any of the shows on there but they do show some pretty good movies. I've watched all the Spiderman and XMen movies in the last year or so on there.
That being said, I kind of doubt we will see it today. Maybe CNN and TWC but that is probably it.
Because HD viewers are minority of the 50% of the whole.
For instance: if 200 dish viewers have HBO and 20% of them have HD you're looking at 40 viewers if 50% of them have mpeg4 boxes you're down to 20 viewers.
So do you uplink HBO -Comedy HD for those 20? or do you uplink MGM HD which has the potential for a larger viewing audience. Remember on those channels Dish has the potential to insert ads they sell so revenue comes off those channels.
While you do have your right to your opininon, dismissing mine as ridiculous because it doesn't jive with your thinking is not a right.
In the past, only those who had some disposable income had HDTV's. That model is changing. HDTV's are becoming mainstream and lots more people are getting them. That doesn't not mean they have significantly more money to spend for premium channels or pay per view.
It's possible the number of buys to be profitable on an HD PPV is low enough that PPV's are a profit center. Not everyone has the resources to buy HD PPV's.
Agreed, there's virtually no more money left to be made in the non 100 crowd, which is why you're going to see channels added in the 100 + HD packs.
I still don't think there's enough HDTV penetration coupled with premiums right now. New adopters that are on budgets might not ever have premiums.
Easy stokkey. A lot of folk watch TV for reasons other than movies.You are being ridiculous. The more HD premiums of any given premium would produce more subscribers to that premium. A majority of people with HD TVs can afford the extra cost of a premium channel. If they don't subscribe to one it is because they are sick and tired of SD ruining their movies, and the limited offerings of HD premium channels. If Dish adds multichannels of any given premium channel, their subscriber base to that premium would go up because of it.
Easy stokkey. A lot of folk watch TV for reasons other than movies.
plus a bunch of music channels
and some kids channels
And I think there are some sports channels if I remember right.
Non-fiction television. Check it out sparky.What is this random channel list?
Doesn't FX have commercials? This day in age I really don't understand how anybody could watch chopped up, edited movies on a commercial station. I mean seriously, between premium channels, DVDs for sale and for rent, PPV, etc. Did you miss XMen and Spiderman when they were on the premium stations?
It irks me to no end when I go to somebody's house and they are watching Saving Private Ryan on TNT (violence and swears edited out), yet they have all these HBOs and Showtimes that are commercial free and other than the pan and scan or cropping, are not edited.
Basic cable stations are good for original shows, and the commercials can be gotten around with a DVR, but you are still losing part of the movie when the "naughty" words, violence, and sex scenes are deleted from a movie in order to appease the advertisers.
DISH WHERE ARE YOU? ...Add to that the fact that they haven't gone all mpeg 4 yet on the rest of the hd channels leads me, and others to believe, that they have more than enough room to keep up with the directv hd channel additions so far.
Non-fiction television. Check it out sparky.
I don't pay for premium movie channels so I don't mind watching them on cable stations. I have a 622 so I can skip through the commercials and I don't need to hear the F-word every other word so that's no big deal.
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